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Imedx Vacation Time - littlesalty

Posted: Nov 21, 2014

Has anyone received an answer to their requests to take time off before 12/31?  I have sent in numerous requests and have heard nothing at all.  Just wondering if maybe my emails are not going through.

Non-existant phantom imedx - Polluted

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I can only answer this in one way. If Monday all TT email is going to be shut off, AND today they still have Imedx email issues, do you actually think they're focusing on vacation for you? Hate to break the bad news, but venture at your own risk. It is as if Imedx is holding its breath for something, and that is never good.

Monday is the day, obviously. - SIX requests sent...sm

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With no reply.

Oh, speculate schmeculate. We are screwed.

Monday is the day for what? The ax or to go IC? - Worried

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Imedx Vacation Time - littlesalty - Midnite Rider

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Just a tip...I would call the Account Manager about getting your time off. I know for a fact there is one account manager that does not even bother to answer emails concerning time off that are sent Friday evening or anytime on the weekend. With so many problems with the Imedx email, I highly doubt though that the TT email is going to be cut off on Monday.

Vacation Request - NCaMT

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I, too, have sent in numerous requests with no response, even after receiving an email early last week that the manager was working on answering all of the requests. I was starting to think I was just being ignored, but I guess we're all in the same boat, just waiting in limbo.

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x ...