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pathology - AJMRN

Posted: Feb 8th, 2024 - 2:25 am In Reply to: Proceed with caution on this one. - Crappy account, crappy pay

The caution in general is 0.80 for 1 minute audio and pathology slide/read is generally less than 1 minute, why pathology is not best specialty to type, very short but entering demographics for each slide/2- to 5-line report, so for audio of 1 minute = 80 cents, that could be 1 to 3 reports/slides dictated in a minute. Say you could type 2 reports (within 1 minute of audio) in 5 minutes (once used to account, fast with demographics/format/terminology), that's 0.80 (1 minute audio) for every 5 minutes (typing time) so you're typing 1 minute of audio every 5 minutes so that means you could type approximately 12 of those 1-minute blocks of audio in 60 minutes (5 minutes x 12 = 60 minutes). If my math is right, that's 0.80 x 12 minutes' audio = $9.60 an hour. Not great. Wanted to put it in perspective for anyone with just a few years' experience.


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