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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

MT eventually going away - JT

Posted: Aug 5th, 2023 - 1:24 am In Reply to: Wondering what everyone plans to do in the future when - MT is no longer an option. SM

Been following MTstars for over 15 years or so? My first time posting and just have to say that I think we are all at the end of the train ride of medical transcription. I started back in 1992 and went through all the changes of typewriters, PCs, different papers to print on, internet, this platform and that platform. You know what? I'm done :)

Now about to try something I always wanted to do - create with antique papers and mixed media art!

Good luck to all of you seasoned MTs. I truly mean that. Whatever the road is now for us, may you have all the success in your new endeavors.

PS: And, BTW, by the way, it sure is nice reading all these posts with the correct grammatical spelling of words - not like YouTube comments - HA! Peace guys and hugs


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