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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts disappearing.. (Views: 77)

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the original post. - and does not belong here. OP SM

Posted: Jul 29th, 2023 - 4:29 pm In Reply to: I am making a lot of money doing coding - If or when that goes away

I am the original poster of this thread and think this remark is extremely tacky, no class, and outright rude with the constant bragging.

No, it's not letting people know there are other options. It's you constantly bragging and throwing your situation in other people's faces on any thread. THAT's what people are tired of. It's not jealousy at all.

I wish this board were registered with names so I could block yours.

**and, as someone else mentioned, before you play the tired old card, I have a job and make enough money to take care of myself perfectly fine and have no need to be jealous of anyone else's situation.


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