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You're right - Just do it

Posted: May 5th, 2023 - 12:20 pm In Reply to: Your right! - Hmmm

When I finally decided I had enough I found a job in the real world and even though I went in kicking and screaming, I am so happy I finally did it. No worries about running out of work, no abusive QA, no free work, no ESLs, employee status, raises bonuses, PTO, holiday pay and I like my job.

Just start looking now and give different things a try, I had 3 other part time jobs that I moved on from.

I too felt I never wanted to work outside of the home, but that is a false security, especially hanging onto a horrible job in every sense of the word.

You can look for other WAH jobs as well, just start investigating to see what ism out there.


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