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Job Seekers Board

Financial Industry Transcription Assistant - Full-Time Positions - Mobile Assistant

Posted: Nov 9th, 2022 - 9:59 am

The transcription needs of the financial and insurance industry continue to grow in popularity.  Mobile Assistant currently has full time positions employment opportunities available.  

Essential Duties:

Essential job duties for this position include the following items. Other duties must be performed as assigned or required. 

  • Edit, transcribe, review and input dictation for a variety of reports such as client meetings, consultations, etc.
  • Translate industry jargon and abbreviations into expanded form.
  • Maintain confidentiality in all situations.
  • Work toward continuous quality improvement.
  • Stay current with changing technology, including software programs.
  • Uphold, support, and promote all company policies and procedures


  • Must be an experienced transcriptionist - 2-3 years of experience minimum, editing experience a plus
  • Must be interested in a full-time position (35+ hours / week)
  • Working location must be based in the United States. 

Compensation and Benefits:

  • Hourly compensation starting at $13/hour 
  • All positions have semi-annual reviews to reward high performers
  • Paid time off
  • Medical, Dental, Vision and Long-term disability insurance available to eligible employees with Mobile Assistant paying a portion of the employee’s premium.
  • Flexible shift schedules
  • 401k Retirement Savings plan 

How to apply?

Please email a current resume with your correct contact information to careers@mobileassistant.us for consideration. We only hire employees in states where Mobile Assistant is registered for business operations.

Our Website: https://mobileassistant.us

About Us:

Mobile Assistant is family owned and operated and proudly support the very best U.S. based transcriptionists. If you would like to join our team of professionals, you will be required to produce the highest quality notes and be dependable and hard working. If you possess these qualities, our workload is very consistent, our management staff is courteous and helpful, and our transcription system is state of the art.


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