How easy is it for one service to learn to take over a new to them - but difficult to type account? SM Posted: Jun 27th, 2024 - 10:20 pm
I've wondered about this for years. Remember when that used to be a constant threat, that a facility would threaten to get another service to take over the account if the current service wasn't doing well.
I would think it's not an easy thing to suddenly jump ship to a new service. It takes a lot of time and trouble to set up everything for a new account, let alone train new supervisors how to manage it, and then have to train all new MTs.
I've been in the situation before, when a company takes a new account and nobody knew what the hail they were doing, which made things 10 times worse on us with constantly changing this or that every other day. That was miserable and I know for sure I quit one company because of it way back then.
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