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Save every penny… - MTVet

Posted: Sep 8th, 2022 - 4:29 pm In Reply to: Believe whatever you like. I have the bank account - and tax filings to prove what I make

Whatever you are doing in MT, you will be lucky if it lasts much longer. I had a higher paying MT job than you from 2014-2017 and lost that to speech wreck. I had a couple decent jobs, then I got another MT job that paid well for the past 2.5 years but half of what I used to make. I lost that job in July to speech wreck. The company had that account for 20 years. I have a degree and tons of experience and was offered several MT jobs, but none pay what you state. I was also offered a job at Quest as a pathology MT for $19/hour, but I did not want to work until 7 PM every night. So, if you are making that kind of money in MT, which is extremely doubtful, you better save every penny because you will need to live off it when speech wreck takes your job.


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