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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts disappearing.. (Views: 77)

Congratulations! You need to ignore the haters. You - had the foresight to go into other

Posted: Sep 7th, 2022 - 5:06 pm In Reply to: This is the last time I will respond to you since you clearly - just are not getting it. I never asked anyone

forms of medical transcription and broaden your base, as well as the legal and law transcription. Those above, criticizing you and calling you a liar, obviously weren't smart enough to learn new concepts/programs. They would rather troll this board and spread their sh*tty comments.

I went into other fields of medical transcription, too. I don't make as much as you do, but I make a very handsome salary. It was tough at first, but I am glad I did what I did, when I did. Learned a lot, beefed up by retirement fund until FJB came along.

Haters gotta hate. It's all they know how do to.


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