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There are much better jobs out there - SM

Posted: Aug 28th, 2019 - 12:01 am In Reply to: It has been nice working with you - mom2huskies

I was terminated a few months ago. I applied to any job that required medical terminology and my computer skills. I now have a job with 40 hours of PTO on my first check with a total of 15 days a year, none of which will have to be used for NJA. I also get 13 paid holidays and never have to work another holiday or weekend day, plus other great benefits better than any I’ve seen. The thought of working in transcription again turns my stomach even though I loved the work just not all the crap that came with working for these disgusting companies. My kids are grown so I’m excited to get out of the house and work at a job where they believe in happy employees with a great work-life balance.

Workforce services also approved me for training in a new profession so I’ll be doing that also just because it’s free so why not?

What came as a shock turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me.

Good luck to you! It is the best feeling never to have to sign into Fluency ever again wondering what the day is going to be like.


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