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Sending you well wishes sm. - FlaMT

Posted: Aug 27th, 2019 - 3:12 pm In Reply to: Things will work out! - Old and Tired

Dear M2H,

I have recognized your posts on these boards over many, many years and your familiar "handle" (mom2huskies) even though we're not CB operators! I worked for MM for over a decade back when it was Medquist, so we probably worked there at the same time. Lots of changes obviously since then and lots of jobs have come and gone. I truly believe when one door shuts, another door opens. You've always had positive posts on these boards and I've enjoyed reading them over the years. I just wanted to chime in and wish you the very best of luck in your future endeavors, wherever the road takes you. Cheers to new beginnings! :)


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