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MM is the devil - You are lucky to be out

Posted: Aug 27th, 2019 - 2:49 pm In Reply to: It has been nice working with you - mom2huskies

How many posts have we read over the years from MTs who have experienced the same situation as you did. Your work is great, a long time employee, putting up with all the ups and downs, new ownership, how many supervisors have you had over the years??? Hundreds I would imagine.

Good luck to you. Enjoy a few days off and you can find something. I hate to say this, but these companies are in desperate times and needing MTs. Of course they are Nuance clones, so you are basically working for the devil's brother.

I would go out to dinner, have a couple glasses of wine or just skip the dinner and relax. Think of how you will feel when the next holiday rolls around and you don't have to stress about it.


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