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To Mom2Huskies - Finally

Posted: Aug 27th, 2019 - 2:43 pm In Reply to: Oh no...we will miss you! - Hopeless

I have followed your posts and wondered how you could stand working for MM all this time. I know what they did is horrible and I am sure you are feeling bad, but please just move on. I worked for MM a few years ago and although I wasn't terminated, they pushed me to the point where I finally quit as I couldn't take the treatment any longer nor the crap work.

There is life out there in the world and don't just look for MT work. Now is the time to start anew (that is if you are able).

Good luck. Like myself I am sure we all enjoyed your posts. Keep em coming. Also don't fret if at first things don't work out for the best job wise.

It took me 2 years to finally find a PT job outside of MT, taking on retail work, merchandising work and short stent as a caregiver. I am now just working PT to supplement and do as I please.

Again, all the best to you. You are delight.


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