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Things will work out! - Old and Tired

Posted: Aug 27th, 2019 - 2:57 pm In Reply to: It has been nice working with you - mom2huskies

I'm sorry they have treated you this way. I think in the backs of our minds we all have that fear of that phone call, but it will all work out for you!!! I put up with a company who didn't know who we were unless there was an error, for 5 years of my 36 years of doing MT work. Six weeks ago I just stopped logging in, finally got a regular job, 4 days a week, 10/hour nights, 3 days off, good pay! I am blessed to have found it!! they are a wonderful company and very appreciative of their employees. It is small electronic assembly, so still sitting on my behind, not difficult work and I am very happy there!! Six weeks now!! Not until I had not logged in for 3 weeks did I get an email from my MT job to ask if I was still committed to my contract with them!! hahaha Hence I did not reply. Got my last check from them. Still get feedback emails for other MTs, but nothing else. They didn't even know I was gone! You will find something better and more appreciative of what you have to give!! Wishing you all the best!! FORMER MT


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