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Good luck to you - Sm

Posted: Aug 27th, 2019 - 7:23 pm In Reply to: It has been nice working with you - mom2huskies

I was terminated almost a year ago from a different MTSO after about a year of decreasing work, to the point that some days no work at all. I can empathize with your situation. I did the same, decompressed for a few days, actually took a small weekend trip to regroup. It helps to put things in prospective. Then I got a part time job just to get myself outside of the house again and proceeded with signing up for TAA

If you are employee status, please look into TAA benefits. Mmodal has a current petition approved #94294. This program provides paid retraining and extension of unemployment benefits while in training. If not interested in training, there are other benefits such as making up half the difference if you get a job that pays less. State unemployment office or job center can provide more info. I am currently in nursing school and receiving unemployment benefits for the duration. Plus can work part time and have that $$ too.


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