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I started there recently - gw

Posted: Mar 20th, 2019 - 7:45 pm In Reply to: Was contacted by TTCI. Any current info from - MTs there now

I like it there, and the staff are friendly.

I have found the amount of work in the accounts I am assigned to have dropped a bit, but apparently there is enough company wide to have them looking for more MTs.

While they currently have "switched off" VDI, apparently they are going back to it sooner or later. They were charging $50 per hour to install the VDI, which I thought was unreasonable, but now they have added in "Indian Tech Support" to do the installation for free, which is good.

They pay 4/7 cpl for their work, which isn't great, but you rarely see straight typing, so it's really just 4 cpl.

Overall, it is just average (Nuance) work for (currently) average pay with nice people... based on my experience. YMMV.


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