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APPLY NOW FOR UI! - who cares

Posted: Mar 24th, 2018 - 4:30 pm In Reply to: Modal Employees- STOP LOGGING OUT FOR NJA! - They have to pay you for entire shift

If your wages are less now than they were 6 months ago because of this NJA BS, apply to have the difference made up in unemployment insurance. I'm not making this up. Believe me, when they hear from your UI office, they will give you work or let you go so you can get full benefits and time to look for a real job. Please people, do what you can for yourself before it's too late. Don't lose your car, house and self-respect too. They base your benefit on the last 12 to 18 months wages and if you spend 6 or 12 of those months making part-time wages, you are screwing yourself by decreasing your "average" or "base" month's wage.


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