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I think we need two Nuance boards - trying to make it work

Posted: Jan 22, 2015

Sometimes I think we need two Nuance boards.  One for everyone who is disgruntled and need a place to vent, and another for those of us who are trying to keep a positive outlook can find some encouragement.  The "Gooooood Morning" post a few days ago made me think about that.  It would be good to interact with our fellow Nuance coworkers, but after visiting the board, I am usually upset and rattled by all the negativity......

I could not agree more - nana7

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I think we need 2 boards period, positive and negative for everything.

I saw the Gooood Morning post myself and could not believe someone still made a negative comment out of Good Morning.

I don't think it matters who you work for but if we all are going to stay in this business we need positive and uplifting comments to help us get through this and every time you post something positive it turns into a war.

I think this is a great suggestion and maybe you should suggest it to the moderators.

As well you should be - SM

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There is a reason why this board is like this. Hiding your head in the sand is not going to change anything. People who are considering Nuance or are new there need to see this information. All of it is true. Some of these people have families to feed. Some of us lost our houses because of this company, or are getting ready to, and some have gone bankrupt. Not to mention the daily abuse this company doles out. If you are trying to stay positive about Nuance, maybe it would be best not to read the posts here, but you can't make another board in an attempt to negate all the suffering everyone at this company has been through.

I am one of those who lost her home! - GWW

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I made good money working at a hospital for many, many years and 1-1/2 years after I purchased my home, we were outsourced, salary cut in half and now by about 2/3. I lost everything including my good credit rating. Anyone considering going to Nuance needs to know how they screw us continuously so they can pad their pockets and look out if you are working for a hospital because they are coming after you. No hospital is safe.

"All of it is true." That is not accurate. - sm

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Much of what is posted on these boards is OPINION.

It's not my "opinion" that I lost my house because of this - greedy company!

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I could well afford my home at the time of purchase and had 2 weeks before the acquisition of the hospital occurred. No time to even look for something else and from what I have read, they are all the same! At any rate, we were lied to from the beginning, told we could keep our benefits, keep our schedules and pay - HUGE LIE just to get us to sign on with them.
I lost mine too but - nana7
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I lost my house and had to file bankrupcy because Wells Fargo wanted to try to garnish my wage. As a matter of fact I know of 3 of us that lost our homes after our hospital outsourced but not to Nuance. They outsourced to CareTech out of Troy Michigan. They made all the same promises Nuance made to you. Didn't take long to figure out what they were all about.

I am not making the same money I was making 10 years ago, none of us are but I can't stay bitter for ever because the only one its going to hurt is me.

I had to change my way of thinking for myself so I wouldn't end up being a bitter person. If I kept on the way I was I was going to lose my marriage and my family and that was not an option.

So my bankrupcy allowed me to start over with no bills and so I am able to make it now.

You see all the misery on here yet you see these people come on here about to graduate from school to do this job and they still do it even after everyone tells them to run. So that does not fly with me. It's not the posts like that that get me. Its the posts where someone asks for advise, you give them your opinion on how you handled the situation then yor are attacked for it.

How can you attack me for what worked for me? And I see that time and time again anytime someone posts how they are happy about something. No matter what it is they get attacked. Someone says good morning and gets dislikes and rude comments. Childish.

Thats why I want a separate board for those that want to encourage people in what ever issue they are having and not get attacked for it.

I refuse to let my situation make me miserable. And for that I get called liar, troll, suit and everything else.
you don't work for Nuance. why are you on its board - and care what gets said about it? nm
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whre does it state I can't comment on Nuance board??? - nana7
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So does that mean if I post on the main board or whatever do you get to post there too then? You guys don't have the market on hurting or being treated badly. And we can't share in that?
You don't share that. You make derogatory remarks - sm
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to others, telling them to stop whining, stop complaining, stop being a baby, etc. in the most unpleasant, unhelpful of ways, all relating to a company that you have no affiliation with. Were you sharing a like experience, that would be one thing, but you aren't. You've spent more time here badmouthing others than you've ever offered words of a positive light or a shared experience. I, frankly, am tired of it. Your attitude and insight stinks and is unwelcome.
Sorry Moderator. I hope my comment didn't cross boundaries. - Just had to get that off my chest. nm
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Two Nuance boards - MT6

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I agree that we need more positive in our lives no matter who we work for. Nuance has definitely led the race in deteriorating our morale, however, in the economy we have now, some of us cannot get out no matter how hard we try. So the only option I see is make the best out of what we have at the moment. There are people who just simply cannot do that. I have been a single parent and had to work more than 1 job even when our pay was much better. For myself and others that I have talked to though, when we keep the anger and frustration at the top of the list, we are less productive and make more mistakes. I am in my late 50s and have tried for 2 years to get a job outside of this industry and cannot seem to catch a break. I choose to be thankful for the job I have, crappy or not, because not having a job at all is certainly worse. Instead of trashing each other it would be nice to support each other and offer help when we can. Sadly some people just cannot do that. Those are the ones we simply ignore. Commenting back and forth with people like that only feeds their anger.

Two boards would only make it easier for Nuance to disavow their - bad behavior...

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...oh, new acquisitions, don't pay any attention to THAT board, look at this other board where people are telling the truth. I definitely come here to seek other people out who might or might not be experiencing anything I am, or worse, for heaven's sake. To remain positive, just do not come here as much. But don't change the tenor! How else would we ever depend upon each other? How else can we keep the thing real?

I like people being able to say, "This is what I'm experiencing, heads up in case this shows up soon on your own accounts!" And it usually is some pretty crappy stuff! If you dont feel you need that or want that, check this board less frequently, but please, let us not give Nuance any more ways to ignore us or deny their own bad behavior.

Varying opinions just like varying jobs at Nuance - CuriousMT

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I've worked at Nuance a long time and hope to get out of here soon. There are lots of things I've seen and experienced myself that are horrid and fit in with all the negativity. That being said, I also know that Nuance has a great number of people who enjoy their job, but I also know that two people working at Nuance may experience two VERY different things.

For instance, Ambulatory used to have assigned doctors and were responsible for that specific doctor and their work. They didn't have a set schedule and were just responsible for making sure that person's work got done. Many of us who worked for clinics and smaller hospitals were used to this type of work and think its much easier. And if you drew one of the long straws, you got a great dictator that was easy to understand, gave you just enough work to make great pay and not too much that you had to work 16 hours in a day. By having the same doctor, even with speech, you could set up macros and templates and fly through your reports with ease.
On the flip side, also in Ambulatory, you could end up with a horrid dictator that would starve you for days at a time and then spend hours dictating to make up their time. They'd fly through their work and slur their words, might even be ESL, and while their work was done through the SR system, you were having to edit every other word because it wasn't doing a good job!

Then you have the regular, acute care work. I was on an account once that only had about 20 doctors, the account was verbatim and all but one of the doctors grew up speaking English. The speech system was phenomenal about getting things right. My manager had just enough people on the team that we never ran out of work except on holidays and we were never near or out of TAT. Things were great! But that account eventually went to front-end speech and we lost it. I was assigned to a new team, a new manager and had an account that had over 100 doctors, and while the account was "Verbatim," every doctor had their own "quirk." My TSM at that time just told us to "do ctrl+F on the account specs and search for their name." Only, the specs hadn't been updated for months and at the time I got moved off the account (new clinic got onboarded and they needed people, so I made sure to volunteer), there were 121 emails of updates to the specs with little changes here and there that you had to hunt through as well. Oh, and it was a zero blank account. I cannot IMAGINE what the MLS on that account are going through now that they can only send 10% to QC. Hope the TSM fought for them to be excluded, but how do you exclude everything and still be fair?

I've made less than minimum wage on some accounts and gotten MUP, and I've made close to $15 an hour and been happy as a pig in mud! But my point is that two people who work for the same company doing the same job may experience something totally different than you.

Do I think we need two boards? No. If you're coming to this board, unless you're just looking for something that belongs on an inspirational day-by-day calendar (which is not specific to Nuance and could just as easily be posted in the main board), maybe this board isn't for you. But if you're looking for help about how to deal with a QC who keeps changing HEENT to HENT (which, can we just all agree that that's pretty crazy unless it's a specific doctor that needs to have his own mention in the account specs that he wants that?), or maybe you don't understand something and your TSM has been of no help; or maybe you just need to say "I HATE THIS JOB! PLEASE GOD SOMEONE ELSE THAT IS IN THE SAME BOAT COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW I'M NOT ALONE!"

We're all in this together. If you don't like the negative posts, then comment on them with something positive and explain how you got through a similar situation without pulling out your hair.

I think that the reality is anybody on the Nuance board is-sm - anon

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trying to make it work. If you have not quit, and are working for Nuance, you are trying to find a way to make it work for you. Some of us do it with positive thinking and some of us need to vent and get the complaints off of our chest. Some of us do both. Some of us will quit outright, some are making it work until something better comes along. Some who are negative need to see those with a positive attitude sometimes and those who are trying to be positive, should be aware of the negative things as well so that they do not get caught by surprise.

well said. - x

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