A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

This new software is going to KILL whatever is left - of our production potential

Posted: Dec 02, 2011

We're going to be "training" on this new software at a time we are all each fighting, kicking, clawing and biting to make ends meet with this company.  They will stop at *nothing* to force us all into the food stamp and welfare line. 

Just watch - I'll bet my next minimum-wage paycheck they are going to tell us how much more productive we will be and how much more money we will earn with the new software - same speech recycled from the VR switch. 

What new software? Oh great NOW what....... - Kiki

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ANY change is a BAD change with this company.....Can't freakin wait

New software - is coming our way

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Oh, you haven't heard? All of us at Medquist will be training on brand new software by the end of this month.

Seen it many times before. - WiseOldOwl

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Well you didn't state which company and which program, but it's not necessary.

This is the same template I have seen many times. And yes, they will sell it to you like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

It will be great FOR THEM because it will cut your pay as you said and/or eliminate some jobs altogether.

Here's the email I got about it - the hard sell has - already begun

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To all DEP MTs/MMEs/QCs:

We are pleased to share that our next version of DocQscribe, version 7, is almost here. The DocQscribe 7 version is planned for release to all MedQuist DocQscribe users between the weeks of December 11th - December 18th, 2011.

Some of the new features to look forward to include:

â—¦Compatibility with Windows 7 64-bit systems - This will be a welcome benefit for those MTs that are using their own PCs with Windows 7

â—¦Client Profile Instructions "panel" now available from within DocQscribe - no need to toggle to the DocQmanage window

â—¦Standards "panel" with preview of the Standard text - no more extra steps needed to verify the correct Standard is being pulled in

â—¦More intuitive "look and feel" while retaining familiar key commands to minimize the learning curve

A notification will follow next week with information on how to access the training materials, DQS 7 install instructions as well as information on technical support guidelines.

The transition to DocQscribe 7 will be rolled out by CCM Book of Business between the weeks of December 11th - December 18th, 2011, so your CCM will notify you when it is time to start using DocQscribe 7.

I swear I saw this one time on a report - SM

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I don't know if they were testing it or what, but I pulled up a report one time that had a panel on the left side full of all kinds of unnecessary confusing garbage... God I hope that's not what it's going to be...

DQS has this. Panel is list of preferred heading the client - wants used. nm

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Boy you've got that right... - deepwoodsMT

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I'm lucky...and I mean lucky if I take home 500 a week and believe me that is rare. It is so depressing.....

"Tis the season - anon

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How else would we know it was Christmas if they didn't do something bad to us? Just add this latest atrocity to shopping, wrapping, cooking, decorating, etc.

I don't see anything about "new software," just - JMO

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DocQscribe updated with a few new features. You make it sound like a new platform or something. This will be just like other DocQscribe upgrades with a few new features I am sure will not take long to learn and get used to. Waste of energy to get all stressed out over something you do not even know is going to affect your production/pay other than maybe a day to learn and get familiar with the new features, much like the last upgrade.

If I am wrong, so be it, but I am at least waiting for the upgrade before panicking.

What wrong with this update? - Not as big as 6.1

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The CP and standard panel are awesome. The MME/QAs have something very similar (if not the same as I haven't seen it yet) features to more quickly access the CP and to verify if standards are used correctly. Much faster than going to the DQM website or pulling in the standard for ASR and moving all the text around.

Windows 7 64 compatibility is a plus. The only thing questionable is the "more intuitive look and feel."

These are minimal compared to the 6.1 changes. Unless all who are complaining are on a different platform, I don't see what's the big deal.

Sorry this was supposed to be a reply to the OP. - NM

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You all must be new - Docuscribe has been around for years

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This is just an update from 6.1 to 7. ALL software is updated. If it isn't, it gets passed up by something better. We'd all be stuck with DOS or Windows 3.1 if software didn't update. If you were part of the bunch that were bought out by the Q, then it makes sense that you train on the platform the Q uses. It really isn't as bad as you think. In fact, I believe Docqscribe is the only thing the Q has gotten right, well mostly right anyway.

exactly - love docqscribe

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It freaked me out like no mans business when I had to learn it back in 2006. Now, I LOVE IT. I would have left a million times over were it not for this program.

Where haave you been? Talking about the switch to - M Modal, not Docuscribe nm

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all right then tell us what about M Modal - missindale

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If it's a better speech recognition engine, how can that be bad? I'm just asking - what am I supposed to be worried about now?
Lots of posts last couple of days, Scroll down or better yet - use MTStars search function for M Modal. nm
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oh, sorry I've been away sm - missindale
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Well, I'll tell ya, if I get to the point where I'm making less than I am now (ie slave wages), I'll just find another job. There are other places to work.

New software - SillySue

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How true. It will make it easier for somebody, but it won't be the transcribers. I just found out my CCM has never been a medical transcriber. How do you manage transcribers if you have never been a transcriber.

I think we have the same one - anon2

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I think you and I have the same CCM. Never typed a word a day in her life.

software - anom

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I thought Medquist just bought M-Modal from Webmedx???

From what I gather - ASR will now be M-Modal

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I believe the MQ ASR was developed by Phillips when they used to own MQ. Now it seems the Q is ditching ASR for a different speech wreck, M-Modal, which from other accounts is just as bad as ASR, if not worse.

DQS 7 will now have M-Modal integration instead of ASR integration. We'll see how this goes.

It's another way of slowing us down - anon

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This is just the latest way that we can expect to have our pay slashed again. I've talked to people from other companies who use M*Modal and they say there isn't a snowball chance in hell of anyone ever making any money with it. It's GEARED to slow us down even further.

Any more cuts in pay from Medquist and I'll be homeless.
M*Modal - anon
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I worked at Webmedx when they started with M*Modal. It is not a bad speech wreck program, as they go. Sometimes it does pretty well, but it did not seem to learn that fast (despite their claims) and I was making the same corrections months later. It was definitely better than what they were using before switching. M*Modal was its own company, and sold their speech wreck to many different companies. At Wmx, we were given huge spreadsheets to look at every pay period which detailed pause rates (amount of time your foot is off the pedal), use of highlighter, use of the keys they were pushing you to use, whether or not you used the Ctrl + arrow to navigate (a big no-no to them), if you used all keyboard shortcuts or if you used the mouse (another big no-no). Some received warnings about their pause rates being too high. I quit Wmx and am working for another company now that also uses M*Modal. Now, this company does NOT track any of the above things, so I think this is a feature that companies can choose to use if they want. Hopefully Medquist will not nitpick you to death over these things like we were at Wmx. Best wishes to all of you! Anytime you change platforms, it WILL slow you down, even if it is a better platform, until you get used to it. I have another job lined up at a hospital and out of transcription, I have had enough!
For ASR, I use ctrl + arrow all the time - sm
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Since every other word needs to be fixed, I find it much more efficient. And the yellow highlighter is just annoying.

The problem with the developers/CEOs of these speech wreck programs is that they think they are sooo much better than they truly are. They need to start using these programs themselves in the real world and see how inadequate they can be.
asr/ctrl + arrow - anon
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I totally agree about using the Ctrl + arrow, and they really bugged us that we were not being "efficient" and we needed to learn to use the highlighter. I DO have to say that on the occassional few I get that don't have more than 1 or 2 edits/line, the highlighter function is helpful. The problem is that usually there are at least 3 to 4 edits/line. These developers/CEOs have never tried to do what they are asking us to do!
what is this highlighter function - you mentioned
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I use Ctrl and arrow to move from word to word because they dont want us using our mouse. How else do you move around?
ctrl M and ctrl-shift M - to jump around
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I use this only for jumping large distances or to find where the voice is in the report, but not to correct every other word.
highlighter in M*Modal - anon
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The highlighter highlights the word that is being spoken in ISR, and you can have it run without your cursor being attached to it, or with the cursor attached. After a lot of practice, I have it attached, and with my right hand over the arrow button. As soon as I need to make a correction, I hit the arrow, which detaches the cursor, I make my edit, then use a key combination to attach the voice to where my cursor is. Once you get used to it, this IS faster and more efficient, UNLESS you have a LOT of edits, which of course happens pretty frequently! On the reports where there is 1 edit/line average, I have gotten up to 450-500 LPH with this method, so I DO like it, but it is useless when a lot of edits are needed.
to For ASR, I use ctrl + arrow - sm - wishin&hopin
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DOUBLE SECOND THAT -- that's been the whole problem with this company all along. People create these programs or whatever else they throw at us and think they've done something great and dont' even have a clue how it affects the transcriptionist, as the majority of them have never been a transcriptionist,and they don't care because they're not on production - either salary or hourly. If they were to be put on production and walk in our shoes, hopefully (but not counting on it as $$$ comes into to play as usual) then maybe they would go "oops, didn't realize the sna-fu."

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