A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Some random thoughts - on the nightmare

Posted: Mar 22, 2013

that has now become "working" for MModal.  since I have no work today at the start of my shift, thought I would share.  

New 99% accuracy requirement:  This is the pay cut everyone was fearing, just with a different name.  More accuracy means more time spent going over reports for "errors" hence less pay.  Of course, no pay raises for increased accuracy requirements and no mention of adjusted line count requirements.  It wouldn't surprise me if 100% accuracy was in the works next.  Funny how this came about just as the work has been dwindling down to nearly nothing (make everyone spend more time in reports for less money, therefore it will seem like there is more work).  

I have informed my TSM that I was not hired to produce at 99% accuracy and have asked for documentation of this new policy as well as documentation of what my accuracy requirement was when I was hired.  At this will be something I can take to the UE office when I fail to meet their standards, which I already have twice now, 2 audits by tenths of points  in as many weeks after never "failing" an audit in 30 years of doing MT.  I hope all of us who are left in this mouse-click measuring mad house will push back on this, but I know I can't expect it of everyone.    

Recruiting more MMEs:  Not sure what this one is about, except with more offshoring they probably need more proofreaders for the junk that comes back from India, PI or whatever third world country is doing it now, of course at reduced pay rates but with a lovely, important sounding job title.     

Rumor below that MModal is closing down:  This would not surprise me one bit and would probably be the best thing that could happen to us (kind of like the flying monkeys who where liberated when the Wicked Witch of the West got melted), but is probably too good to be true.  

Amy:  Always wondered if "Amy" was a real person or just an acronym for something like Automated Mmodal Intelligence Entity, (AMIE) a program designed to reassure the drones that there was indeed a somewhat caring human face behind all the double speak and duplicity.  I think now she has definitely been replaced by "The Man."  They're not even bothering to pretend any more.       

We've had the Arab Spring; now maybe it's time for the MT Spring!   Stay strong!  

I was having thoughts too - sm

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Even if these current rumors are not true for this moment, they certainly have future merit.

MM was bought out by JP Morgan for 1 billion. I am sure those shareholders want their money back quickly so they can start listing a profit and this nickel and dime industry of MT is of no use to them. They want the other big dogs MM has up their sleeve.

CEO gives 5 goals for company and transcription not even mentioned.

Work dwindling next to nothing for most of us. Maybe they are not renewing contracts, maybe they are sending more overseas, maybe they are doing both; sending offshore but not renewing those who will not utilize India.

It has been awhile since I have heard an announcement by MM about snagging a large account utilizing their "medical editing" but I do hear about their coding and radiology quite a bit, not to mention other technology advances they offer for the EMR.

Sudden desire to get more MMEs-well if more is going to India (and who knows where else) then they need more people on board to clean it up, keep it TAT and make the client think overseas work is just splendid.

99.5% increase for QA. Not only do they save money in the ways mentioned above, but when we fail the audits they get to dock us 3 cpl...even more money in their pocket.

I kind of believe the posters stating US ops closing by April 1 are trolls, but I do think it is a possibility to just show up to work one day here and be no more. Let's just say that I will be printing off all documentation, NJA tickets, emails, etc so I don't lose it the day we are locked out (because I am sure we will not get a notice...we will all just be shut out).

I do look forward to taking advantage of career retraining after be displaced though...

Oh, I forgot one more of my thoughts - thinking too much

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As for the business as usual that is happening, like recruiting, most companies will keep everything going normal until the day they shut the doors. There would be a ripple effect from shutting down MT ops, like laying off QA, TSMs, recruiters, HR people who deal only with the MTs, etc, so just keep things moving and nobody suspects a thing.

Honestly, I would love to all wrong because I actually like it here and with a special needs child, the benefits are better then I could possibly get even in-house. I would be sad to see it go.

But I'm afraid that... - s/m

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....if the rumor of MM shutting down U.S. operations IS true (and I'm not saying I believe it is), it wouldn't surprise me if MM works around laying off American MTs off by offering them positions with the Indian operations--a weird thought, but I suppose American MTs would then be considered the "off-shored" MTs. If that were to happen, it's not inconceivable that the American employees wouldn't be eligible for unemployment, since they were "offered positions." Of course, in this scenario, MM probably would be off the hook for UE, severance pay, etc.

This is just a wild, paranoid guess on my part, but that's kind of how it happened for me when my hospital outsourced our work--no UE eligibility because we were offered positions with the MTSO that they outsourced the work to.

"show up to work one day and be no more" - it's - not IF this will happen, but only WHEN.

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You can see what these people are doing. We're not as dumb as they'd like to think we are. When you continually let US employees go, and keep on hiring the foreign ones, and use every underhanded trick in the book to cheat the workers you still have left, with no pay raises in YEARS, only pay CUTS, and the pulled-out-of-thin air line requirements and accuracy requirements, the writing is very plainly on the wall:


The only reason there hasn't yet been a mass layoff is because they want to starve out as many of us as they possibly can, so that we quit, and when the layoffs finally do come (and yes, they are coming - don't believe for a second that they aren't!), they'll have fewer UE benefits to pay.

I totally agree with you - mona

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There won't be any US MT's in six months, I bet that.

It's soon going to be 99.6% - old and burned out

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and the day they try to put me on 100% QA for not meeting this arbitrary and ridiculous goal, is the last day I work though it may be before that as I am ready to retire. There is no other occupation anywhere where you must meet that kind of standard or have your salary reduced.

It's soon going to be 99.6% - kittykay

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I failed an audit a few months ago. The next one I got 99.6 and I got an e-mail back from the QC that said I passed, but slow down. I was expected to get 100% I guess.

I'm surprised they haven't already made it 99.9%, & - we still get reamed for 0.1% errors.

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I hate all MTSOs. Every last one of them. Once I'm out of MT (can't wait!), I will never go back, even if were to freeze over, and pay suddenly rebounded to the $25/hour and continued going up. It's the principle of the thing. No more being a slave to crooks.

i did not get a notice that QA was up to 99%. - in 2009 it was 98%

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It must be just a certain region. Last I heard, it was still 98%. - nm

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you know you would think - that something so important

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would be made known to all. Like in writing maybe? everyone seems to have a different idea of what the quality requirement is. I was told it was 99.5, but I don't think I ever actually got that in writing.

It is 99.5 - needtoretire

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I got yelled at for a QA audit score of 99.3.

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