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Mmodal inevitable termination for low audit scores.... - DPassi

Posted: Jul 14, 2014

Hi!  I was hoping for a little input.  I have been with Mmodal/Medquist/Spheris since 2005.  They have the new quality standards which seem to be out of reach for me. They want us to be at an unreasonable 99.7.  Even today, received last week's audit scores and one was 100% the other at 98.75.  I am on my 3rd corrective action for this and know I am at close to the end of my rope.  I actually would like to go back to school.  Has anyone been unintentionally fired for this and been able to collect unemployment?  I am hoping to be able to hang on through the humiliation and eventually use it to my advantage!  I appreciate any helpful comments!  Thanks!  Laughing

Oh you CAN collect unemployment if they fire you for this reason... - Kiki

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Unless you do something blatant like steal from the company, not show up for work, drug/alcohol problems, etc. Don't let them make you feel humiliated...they ARE unreasonable.

They're passing out Corrective Actions like Halloween candy. - Teardrop

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There are a lot of us going through this. Betcha the other world-wide services are grinning through their evil teeth just waiting to gobble us up. But yes, you'll get unemployment. The company, after all, changed our conditions of employment. We were innocent, and will get unemployment, food stamps, Medicaid maybe.

Thank you for making me not feel alone! - DFRSB

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It is almost like they are trying to "bully" us into doing a better job when in fact we were actually fine in the first place. The audits are so unreasonable and nit picky. It is ridiculous!! Thanks for the kind responses. If I get fired I look forward to unemployment and changing my career path! Thank you again and good luck!!!!
Im trying to get fired,,lets see how long it takes - sm
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any ideas to speed the process? I need to go back to college, the extra money from U/E would help
They know we're already doing our best. They're - trying to bully us into QUITTING.
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Don't let them make you do it. Let THEM do it, so they'll have to fork out the green stuff for your unemployment benefits.
Agreed! - DFRSB
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That is what I am hoping for! LOL Have had an awful week so far....different work pooling in that I am unfamiliar with. I will probably get dinged on audits! If I fail July will be in "Final" stage. I have saved ALL documentation including copies of my corrective actions with me stating the patient arrives I would never make these mistakes "on purpose" etc. I am ready and loaded for the UE office!

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