A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Found this info when I was trying to figure out the - buy out. Very interesting.

Posted: Jul 03, 2012

Higher utilization of offshore production and ASR leads to lower costs for us, which permits us to offer better pricing to our customers while at the same time contributing to margin growth. We have successfully migrated a significant portion of our volume offshore and we will continue these efforts.

As technological advances and increased use of offshore resources have driven down industry costs, the average price per character has also declined as healthcare providers have sought to participate in the economic gains. We intend to monitor and adjust our pricing accordingly to remain competitive as these industry trends continue.

Operating Improvements

Cost of revenues on a per unit basis has declined compared to the prior year period due to the increased percentage of volume produced offshore and the increased utilization of ASR technology, as well as a shift in other staffing offshore in order to further reduce operating costs. We increased our offshore production volumes from 41% for the three months ended March 31, 2011 to 48% for the three months ended March 31, 2012. We also increased our use of ASR technology from 72% for the three months ended March 31, 2011 to 75% for the three months ended March 31, 2012. As we continue to increase the use of ASR technology and move volume offshore, we expect to continue to reduce costs.

Sucks to be us - On Shore MT

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I was hoping to make it to retirement age before taking a greeter position at Walmart.

We joke, but from what I have heard - anon

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those greeters are making way more than we are!!

Just as well ... I read they've done away with those - anon

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It was mentioned in a recent article that their greeters didn't add anything to their customer's shopping experience so it was decided to eliminate the greeter position. If it hasn't happened yet in your area, it will be very soon.

Can we be forced to change our schedule? - Lee

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I received the following email. I already work Friday-Saturday and Sunday...now they want me to take 4 hours from Mon or Thurs and work longer on the week-end. Can they do this???

As you all know there have been some issues with TAT recently so therefore some mandatory schedule changes need to be put in effect until you have been notified otherwise. We need you to decrease your schedule by 4 hours between Mon-Thurs, with the exception of Wednesday this week due to the holiday and replace those 4 hours between Friday, Saturday and Sunday, preferably Friday or Saturday evening. Please let me know which hours you would like to change right away so that we know we have adequate coverage.

Uhm,,on that notice I would tell them to pack sand - but thats just me

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its one of those do it to keep on the good side and employed or dont and they will never forget,,,I would NEVER do it

I always wonder about this issue with the CCMs - see message

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If we are a 24/7 company, like my CCM loves to throw out there, why are they not required to work weekends? If the largest volume of work is produced on the weekends, I would think that they should have a Tues-Sat or Sun-Thu schedule like the rest of us. I am sick to death of being threatened with them changing my schedule. I was hired with this schedule and it was good enough then. If the needs changed, hire someone to cover the shift you are short.

If I am going to be forced to work every weekend, so should they!

My CCM works 24/7 ... literally - anon

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She is on board all day, every day.
on this board maybe - thats what they do
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Read the board and then joke around between themselves. Ha ha. Isnt it funny?

well put - ditto that

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Absolutely not - Ignore the email

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Back 3 CCMs ago we all got the "mandatory switch of schedules" and I gave up my nice M-F to wherever she had openings which ended up of course evenings and weekends. Then of course a few weeks after that we lost our account and everyone under the CCM got switched around to somebody else. Every CCM since I have tried to get some semblance of my schedule back but they just ignore my email and pretend like I do not exist. I absolutely regret changing my schedule, it did nothing for me and I still sit without work.

I can sit for days on end without response from my current CCM so if I ever got an email like that I would respond back in as timely fashion as I get responded to.

Gee I thought it was just my CCM that ignores me - sm

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Really makes me wonder what they do for work...Hopping on and checking backlog every few hours far from qualifies as a full time job..What DO they do anyway? other then the payroll and talking to the accounts, which also I hardly think takes a whole lot of work either..Scam how do I get that job?
Gee I thought - WrigleysSpearmint
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I've been told that these CCMs stay on the phone a lot, practically most of the day in conference calls with other management people. One of my former CCMs claims she was on the phone a lot and that was why she didn't answer her emails in a timely manner. I don't know if this is the case for EVERY CCM but that's the excuse our's gave us.
On the phone about what? - hard to believe
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that that job is that difficult...Sorry but it doesnt..its a scheduling job and a running interference job...anyone can do it. they dont answer cause they are out messing around..Had one at another company that answered emails from her Iphone...
On the phone - DontknowDontCare
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Don't ask me, I don't have a clue what the CCMs talk about on the phone in these conference meetings. But, that is what my former CCM told our team of MTs when we complained about not being able to reach her - not answering emails, etc. She said she was on the phone a lot. I don't work for MMODAL anymore thank God.
CCM work - soapie12
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This company is so top heavy with management positions, I can see my CCM constantly being on the phone probably getting conflicting instructions from different managers and trying to figure out which ones to obey and which to ignore! Mmodal needs to trim the fat in management. We don't need all those managers and departments! I think that's part of why some of us have too much work and others have very little, they don't like crossing over between BOBs (at least my CCM doesn't seem to like it). I don't know, I just work here or at least try to.

No, don't change your schedule - Alias

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Anytime I was asked to change my schedule, I had the good sense to tell them I already scheduled other things into those times, and sorry, but I wasn't able to change my time. I never got fired and was never forced to change my time.

Can we be forced to change our schedule - OnMyTime

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I was asked to change mine but it didn't matter because I worked whenever I wanted to anyway. My CCM never even noticed. I was asked to work 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. which I hated. I'd get on in the mornings sometimes or later at night, whatever suited me and when there was work available. I figured as long as I got my 8 hours in it was no big deal.

I would not advise this - sm

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You can be put on the compliance list for working outside your schedule unless you have ticket numbers for NJA for that specific day. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your shift, you can be written up and/or fired. It has happened before and I just would not advise anyone to do this.
I would not advise this - sm - NoMatterNow
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Maybe, but I did it and got away with it. CCM never said a word to me about it either. It really doesn't matter for me anymore anyway because I don't work for MMODAL anymore anyway. I resigned. Got a better job. ;-)
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My CCM always told us when we ran out of work we had 1 of 3 choices - flex time until more work came in, take PTO or take leave without pay. I NEVER filled out one of those NJA tickets. Maybe it depends on your CCM. Apparently there are a lot of MMODAL MTs who have CCMs who are clueless as to what they do.
You need to fill out the NJA - soapie12
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They are using those tickets to evaluate the workload/employee ratio. They are also using those tickets to evaluate the CCMs to make sure they are properly staffing their accounts. Sounds to me like your CCM is trying to look good at your expense. I am convinced that if you don't submit that NJA ticket when you run out of work, it can be used again you later if JPMC decides to make cuts to the MT force. Please, help us all out especially the other MTs under your CCM, and submit those tickets anyway. Mmodal needs these to properly staff the accounts. That's just my humble opinion though.

Also in cahoots with Nuance apparently - no name

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On June 30, 2011, MModal MQ Inc. and Nuance Communications, Inc. ("Nuance") entered into an agreement whereby MModal MQ Inc. agreed to pay Nuance an agreed upon amount in full satisfaction of MModal MQ Inc.'s license fee obligations with respect to certain products through June 30, 2015. MModal MQ Inc. also agreed to pay Nuance for one year of maintenance services to be provided by Nuance to MModal MQ Inc. with respect to the licensed products.

Can anyone interpret? - (see message)

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Whoooosh....this last one goes right over my head! I know this is some kind of legalese, but can anyone put in simpler terms what this means?

Did anyone here know about some kind of connection between Nuance and M*Modal before now? Maybe a dumb question, but they're two completely separate companies, aren't they? i.e., not related in some way?

I thought Nuance used MModals software but - sm

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then MModal merged with the Q so I think they are just tying up loose ends.

Not in cahoots - sm

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Nuance acquired Transcend, which uses BeyondTXT, which is an M-Modal platform. The agreement has to do with licensing and maintenance. A little paranoid, are we?

All I said was they had a contract. Not paranoid. - They are just friendlier

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than I thought. Don't be nasty.

Not nice to call people paranoid. It is a form of - passing thru

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You're right - nm
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Notice they never say a thing about quality - anon

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I do believe the quality issue and lack of it will come back to bite them in the --- eventually. I have to believe that some one out there cares what the reports look like and the integrity of the medical record. I have to believe that some one out there will not tolerate the lack of quality. Hope is all I have that this profession will rise from the ashes some day.

Quality doesn't matter until someone gets sued - soapie12

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Someone else posted something about this elsewhere on this board. Something about being sued and having to present a medical record report typed by Indian MTs. I mean, really, what would a Judge think if he/she should see a report typed by an offshore MT where the report was one big long paragraph with no punctuation or anything and hard to read and understand. That Judge would most likely find the doctor/hospital guilty due mostly an inability to decipher the poor quality reports thus causing the doc/hosp to make a mistake. That made sense to me. If you don't have a good thorough understanding of the most difficult language in the world, English, you should not be typing medical record reports as docs/hosps rely heavily on them. I guess that's what it will take, losing lawsuits due in part to reports that are impossible to read and understand. Does somebody really have to die or be maimed for life (I am not exaggerating here, it can happen) due in part to a poor quality report before the industry decides that report quality is important enough to pay close attention to? Sad.

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