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how do you figure your work availability time? - downtime

Posted: Nov 23, 2012

Like say you wait 5 minutes, get a job, no job, wait 5 minutes, get a job, no job, etc., till you have accumulated 15 minutes, but then how do you show it on the clock? Or do you restart the clock each time a job comes in?

It's supposed to be 15 continuous minutes. - nm

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no its not... you dont have to wait 13, then get job, then wait 12 - then get job, then wait 14...

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Add up your minutes waited and that is all you are paid for, the 15 minutes total, not 78 minutes scattered...

I asked CCM - me

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I was restarting the clock and waiting for a 15-minute block of time, which was driving me nuts because I would wait 13 minutes and get a job, then wait another 10 minutes and get a job. It was crazy, so I asked and was told to use my own judgement essentially and not have to wait for a 15-minute block of time. So now I will wait 10 minutes or however long, do the job, then 5 or so more minutes and clock out. No more crazy. Hard to give a clear answer though.

According to the procedure, it is continuous 15 minutes. - msmt

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Work Availability Issue Resolution Procedure:
If a âNo Jobs Availableâ message is received by the employee, the employee waits 15 minutes to determine if there is no work available or if work begins routing, then:

where in that sentence did it say CONTINUOUS? - that is your interpretation of it

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It is not accurate, but that is your interpretation. They cannot make you keep waiting and not pay you. That goes against labor laws and is ILLEGAL.
You don't have to yell. as you said, it is - msmt
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my interpretation, so be it. It can be whatever you want it to be. I just go by what my TSM dictates/VP manager.
but it seems like you might spend a lot of time - doing that
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Where you were not productive and yet you could not claim work availability for it either.
I rarely run out of work so when I do, it is - msmt
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usually 15 minutes continuous.
You said it was "according to procedure" and I said, - No, that was your interpretation.
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Dont tell people it is procedure when it is not. You obviously dont know the procedure, and therefore should not be telling people what it is.
I know the procedure quite well. Been doing this - msmt
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for about 10 years here now. Just because your TSM/CCM does it one way, does not mean it is the way my TSM does it. I also agreed with you about interpretation. You just must be having a bad day, so sure am sorry about that. Hope things are better for you soon. I'm glad I rarely have to use it.

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