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Those who work while traveling or on vacation - Backwards Typist

Posted: Aug 08, 2010

I was wondering how it's done.  I have two days a year when I'm not available to work because of a family reunion.  Since most of the fun doesn't start until after 12 but we have to be there very early because of the committees we're on, I hate to waste that time doing nothing when I could be working.

My company does not allow satellite. Is this the only way it can be done? If not, what are the required items besides a laptop?

Thanks in advance

Working while away - Tara

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You need a wi-fi connection whereever you may be at so you can connect to the Internet. You need to make sure your voice player and any necessary programs are loaded onto your computer, as well as needing your foot pedal. I do it all the time!!

Two days a year? - Working MT

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Your employer can't spare you for two days?

No, I can't spare the time off and lose the money - Backwards Typist

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I cover every bill in this household except car insurance, home insurance, and real estate taxes. DH's job doesn't allow the necessity of weekly, biweekly, or even monthly pay lately. We never know when he's going to be paid. Right now he is owed money from May from one company, June and July from two other companies. Tri-axle road and site construction is pretty iffy lately. He worked a whole 22 days this year...glad the stimulus is working for us. NOT!

I use a laptop... - sm

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I just got back from traveling out of state for three weeks. Worked every day via my laptop. Check with your cell phone provider and see about obtaining a wireless air card. Verizon has one that you can turn on and off just for this reason - you only get charged for airtime the days you use it. Or if you have a cell phone that is internet capable, you may be able to tether it to your laptop to use it as wireless if you have a data plan. Again, check with your cell provider on that. Hope this helps :)

I use a laptop when "traveling" - sm - OnthegoMT

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which is a lot, meaning I cart my kids around and have a lot of waiting on my hands several nights a week, so I usually go to the local library and use their wireless feed and work on my laptop, saves gas and I can get in a little more work as well. For two days vacation the whole year, I would not bother, just take off. I work while away, but I ususally take 3-4 short trips a year (3-4 nights each) and it is a drag, though may not this year, having some issues with my laptop at the moment so may actually have to "take off". I plan to work PT for the week I am away doing 2 of my smaller accounts (about 20-40 mins a day) but even that is a drag and hard to work in a hotel room with 3 others, TV blaring, etc. though they do try to go out while I am squeezing in my 300-500 lines. But if you don't have to then don't IMO.

My partner uses Unlimited Dictation but first of all.. - RAH

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you need to take waayyy more than 2 days off a year! Burn out ruins your effectiveness, concentration, production and other basic aspects of your general well being! Remember these famous words "Being very busy, does not mean being very effective" (just my opinion, only you know whats good for you!)

anyways, She can use it from anywhere and does all the time. She downloads files when she needs them (wireless or hardwired) and works when she wants. They provide a web interface and ftp for her, so she can do a little or a lot, depending on what she has going on.

all she needs is the things listed in the post above, laptop/foot pedal. But no satellite! and no wires!!

have a great day off!!

I use my Blackberry - mt

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I work from my car, vacation, just about anywhere. Verizon charges an extra $30 a month for tethering service, but you can add or remove at anytime. You have to have a smartphone I think. Some of the newer phones you may be able to, but you would still have to have the max internet package to not go over.

Kind of expensive, but it helps me to not feel so tied down. I am an IC, though, with no set schedule and only TAT. So, that is kind of why I keep the tethering service because I work all kinds of different hours.

I take my laptop and make sure the hotel has internet service - Traveled the whole west coast4 years ago

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Only problem was making myself work while on vacation. It was hard, but normally I would transcribe at night.

U need a break! - dancingfingers

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2 days off a year is insane! Give yourself some time girl...:) Oh..and Unlimited Dictation looks awesome! U should tell your supervisor about them, or if you work for yourself then switch! You can work from anywhere!

U need a break - Aspiring coder

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She needs a break and she also needs to look into HIPAA compliance in regard to using a laptop anywhere and everywhere.

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