A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Has the time come for an organized - National Sick-Out Day?

Posted: Feb 23, 2010

The one thing that MTSO's rely on is that the individual isolation of the transcriptionist working from home will prevent her from ever taking any kind of organized action against their indifference, the cost-shifting that they do, the lack of respect for their people, their unconcern about deteriorating earnings, their crappy pay for "voice recognition work", or whatever new outrage they can think of next. I think they're right. I think all of us rats are just going to go down with the ship, squeaking in protest but doing nothing about it, because any time anyone suggests organizing (or an organized action), you get the predictable protests: 1. We have an obligation to patients. 2. They'll hire someone else. 3. More work will go offshore, or to VR. Of course, none of these arguments holds water. 1. If we have an obligation to patients, we'll see to it that the industry doesn't come to the state that it is rapidly approaching, i.e. the inability to produce good documentation. 2. Hire who? That's the point of ORGANIZED action! 3. The outcome will be the same - crappy "first efforts" that will still require "fixing". Only there will be more of it. Part of the problem is that this is a female-dominated industry, and we women just aren't very good at organizing unless we really get our backs up over something...the vote, breast cancer, or something else that's equally disturbing. Well?

Give it up. It won't happen. It wouldn't work. - our hope is legislative if there is hope. NM

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Wow - 9 minutes to - prove my point

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I have no idea what kind of "legislation" you're dreaming about that will "change things", but if there's anything that will "never happen", that's it.

Slumber on, sweet dreamer, and may the angels attend thine unconscious stupor.

See my post at the bottom about naysayer MTs. - Dont be a "Debbie Downer"

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What a typical dead-end attitude you have. You'll probably lick the boots of your MTSO when they lower your pay once again, and tell you your'e "lucky to have a job at all."


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You are too much.

The only one suffering from "unconscious stupor" is yourself.

I think it is unkind for you to give false hope to MTs who are obviously uninformed. Unless you are truly uninformed yourself.

Look Norma Rae -- Let's say you get the 20 people (being generous here) agreeing with you here to follow you on this "sick out." I work for for MTSO X, you work for MTSO Z, another MT works for MTSO G. Now, we call off. Then what do we do? Oh, demand more pay, more steady work, the shift that we want. Uh huh. Just what do you think it will get the 20 who participated? It is like a sad pipe dream.

I have an even more important question -- How are you going to get rid of EMR? That is what is going to replace us ultimately. It will even replace the offshore workers eventually, too, in large numbers.

The largest teaching hospital client that my MTSO has, which is also my FORMER EMPLOYER, is totally EMR now. THEY HAVE BEEN FOR A WHILE, LONG BEFORE MR. PRESIDENT MANDATED IT.

They fired all of us MTs because they said we were MONEY TAKERS NOT MONEY MAKERS -- Right to our faces. THEY DID NOT CARE ABOUT OUR NEEDS as MTs. It was about the bottom line for them.

A smaller local community hospital near me has also been on EMR for three years now and let their much smaller MT staff go.

UNIONS are DEAD. We are not in 1950 any more. Sure, they had a place in HISTORY. But not any more. Just ask the auto workers what their union has done for them RECENTLY -- that is besides dig them a deep hole by promising things that could never ever be continued indefinitely while laughing all the way to the bank with millions in union dues -- and then the government stepped in and had their OWN plans no matter WHAT the union or rank and file wanted.

But, you, Norma Rae, are so "informed" and "knowledgable" and ARGUMENTATIVE OF THIS POINT, that YOU should be the one to go ahead and organize this YOURSELF, and contact EVERYONE across the whole country to have a "sick out".

YES get the phone numbers of the thousands of MTs working for every single MTSO or hospital or clinic or doctors office or WHEREVER. And YOU call every one of them and let them know of your hilariously outdated plan. Let us know how you got the phone numbers.

We will all need to know what day this starts, how long it lasts, when to sign back on, and who is in charge to tell our employers what our "DEMANDS" are.

Obviously, you are determined about this, so you will be the lead and negotiate with all our separate employers, every single separate MTSO that we work for.

Sure, with a one day "sick-out" we will certainly bring them all to their knees and they will give us whatever we want.

The government also will bend over and get rid of EMR and the tax breaks for these companies sending our work offshore. All because of the one day "sick out." They will fear us tremendously at that point.


Look at the calendar. It is 2010. Cheap labor is the LEAST of our problems. TECHNOLOGY will ultimately take ALL our jobs.

You know, I would bet only about one tenth of one percent of all MTs even know about this site. If your followers on here go on your "sick out" with you, you all wouldn't even make blip in the jobs backlog.

Here's a radical thought -- Get over a job that has seen its best days pass, move on, get a new career, especially if you are not happy hanging on to the bitter end with these national MTSO jobs and with the last lingering jobs in hospitals that are going to be gone because of EMR eventually.

If any of you decide to keep working for a national MTSO, you are going to get what you get. Many MTs are still out there working for smaller hospitals, doctors or clinics and are just fine with their pay and their work experience for now. I suggest you find a similar job.

And to the real intelligent one who said the hospitals would think it was a "sweet deal" to employ us directly. MY SIDES ARE ACHING FROM LAUGHING AT YOUR STATEMENT!!

The hospital kicked me and my coworkers out the door. Many hospitals across the country have already gotten rid of their MTs. PLEASE JUST DO A GOOGLE SEARCH ON IT. They don't want the expense of our salaries, benefits, equipment, hiring, firing, finding coverage, etc. Are you honestly that UNINFORMED?

My former HUGE teaching hospital employer who I worked in house for in the former transcripton department -- just laid off 250 more people!! But they will think it is "sweet" to hire back the 38 MTs they fired 10 years ago????

I gave you all more credit on this board, I really did, but apparently, most of you have never worked in house or been LAID OFF by the hospitals and are sorely UNINFORMED.

The hospitals DON'T WANT MTs BACK. They are seeing a more healthy bottom line between the cheap offshore labor and the emergence of EMR based documentation.

JUST GOOGLE: hospitals + transcriptionists + laid off.

Why don't you be more constructive and realistic with all your angst? And I would say quit acting like it is 1950.

And please, excuse me, but do NOT refer to me as a "rat" who will "go down with the ship." Sorry, I jumped off long ago to another seaworthy ship still sailing but in a different direction.

It seems the only "RAT" is yourself, hanging onto a ship that is taking on water really fast.

You have to be more intelligent than you are coming off as on here -- grow, move on, move forward. Time will not reverse. These MTSO jobs will not be like they were in the past with plenty of work, tons of OT and schedules to fit OUR lives. It is OVER.

Quit living in the past already. There is life and great employers to work for and good jobs beyond these national MTSOs.


But if you think organizing everyone on the deck of a sinking ship is a great idea -- Then you just go ahead. I won't join you.

You can't turn the clock back. Times have changed. Technology has changed. The world has gotten smaller.

Good luck.
You said it sister! You are definitely speaking in reality! - MT who knows
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KUDOS TO YOU! I am not working as an MT and still trying to take my ship in another direction. That is the ONLY way to survive. By going down with the MT ship the people are sure to experience a "Titanic." :-)
Not Necessarily Although We Are Losing MTs Who Are Burned Out Or Unprepared OR - See Message
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There may be fewer jobs in the future and those jobs may take greater skill than in the past. We see that happening. There is lots of work, but not everyone is able or willing to do it.

MT is changing. We are losing some of the MTs who are tired, burned out, and some who just aren't keeping up with changes and don't want to change from the way they've always done it. The work is pouring in for some who are at the right company and able to move with the times, who aren't afraid to learn new and different ways to do the work.

I know from personal experience that many are being asked to work overtime because there is so much work. I also know that some (not all) are finding that they can make more with speech recognition editing than with traditional MT.

It's understandable when experienced MTs don't want to do that, but others are making it work.

your points are valid - mt

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but I believe the only thing that will change things is when something big happens to SCARE the work back to the US. Unfortunately that may never happen, and a breach may just get slipped under the rug, unless it happens to someone important. Most of the general public has no idea how, when, where and by whom their medicals records are being handled. They think EMR is the best thing since sliced bread. A national sick out day will never happen, and even if it did, I honestly don't think it would make that much of a dent. Sorry to say, but that is reality at the moment.

Not about "the public" - or bringing work back per se

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I don't care what the public thinks or knows any more than the Boeing machinists care what the public thinks or knows when they go on strike.

What I'm talking about is an action that would send a message to MTSOs, and they would understand the message perfectly well, believe me.

message to MTSOs - mt

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has a strike or sick out day helped the overall condition of the auto industry or airline industry as a whole to date?.....uh, NO!

Why would MTSO's be any different?

Uh, YES it has! - Know much about labor?
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First, let me say that I am COMPLETELY opposed to the way that labor has carried their point too far, because THAT is where organized action has screwed up...not by organizing in the first place.

If you know anything about the working conditions, compensation, etc. that existed at the time labor unions were forming, you will know that organizing was absolutely necessary. And, you will know that doing so was enormously beneficial in correcting many inequities that working people suffered.

You will also know that it is thanks to organized labor that safety conditions in mines, construction, and many other industries improved, whereas prior to that the worker had just been considered expendable.

You've heard of garment industry sweat shops, no doubt? My grandmother worked making hand-sewn fine ladies' gloves for a pittance, and when the industry organized she didn't get rich, but she no longer had to work 14-hour days.

Now - did labor take it too far, to the point that they actually started to damage certain industries? Yes, they did. However, that is not an indictment against the principle itself, merely against those who overreached.

I am not a "union person" per se, nor did I suggest starting a union, now did I?
of course - mt
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I was talking about the current situation today. You knew that, but thanks for the history lesson.

I think you would be a better attorney than an MT. You have an answer for everything. Make sure to become a defense attorney because that is where the $$$ is! Have a great day. I'm done with this thread.
We are not in the "current labor situation" with other industries - that have the problem you allude to
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This industry has never been organized and has no history of the "overreaching" that you're referring to. That means that it's just like 1910 for us, when all labor wanted was for working people to be treated fairly.

I'm sorry, but you just can't draw a parallel between an industry in which labor has been organized for decades and where the union has gradually usurped too much power to an industry where there has never been any form of labor organization.

Transcription has become the new 3rd world garment industry. - nm - Zircon
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it needs to go to the clients - facilities need to know what - they are deailing with behind

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those condescending sweatie-pie faces in suits.
the savings alone hiring direct and we answer to them...sweet - for both sides and they just might listen.
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would love to print this board and send it to MR depts everywhere.

The arguments do "hold water" - and who pays my bills while I am walking out...

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... and after I lose my job?

Sitting back and waiting for the condescending reply trying to shame me into doing something I simply cannot afford to do and which will not work.

I don't think you'd lose your job. - Read item 2 again.

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First, may I point out that the question concerned a single day, not a "walkout".

Second, who's going to pay your bills when everything goes to VR and you're scrambling to make minimum wage or maybe a little better?

Third, the only shame involved is doing nothing while we know that people are literally losing their livelihoods - even forced to file bankruptcy - and the sheer foolishness of thinking "That will never happen to me!"

Item 2 - there is ALWAYS someone else who will do the job - and when the job is gone for good...

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... I will do something else.

A day, a week, indefinitely. Refuse to work, lose job.

I am not ashamed to "do nothing." You are the one trying to browbeat people into doing what you think will work .. but won't.
Not browbeating, but I do reject defeatism and fatalism - and not-my-problem-ism.
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So perhaps I should ask you two questions:

1. Do you recognize that there's a problem in this industry?

2. If so, do you have any suggestions to resolve the problem? I offered one, but there certainly might be others and I'd be very interested in hearing them.
How about realism? - random nic
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No one will deny there is a problem in the industry. Most, however, recognize that there is not going to be a resolution that maintains the MTs status quo, let alone better it. That is not defeatism or fatalism. That is reality.

Of course, there will always be those who continue to beat the drum... long after the parade is over and all that's left is the horse litter.

Watch your step.
Had a defeatist attitude prevailed in early US history, - the US most likely would not exist today. nm
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Go ahead. More work for me while you're foolishlyy - letting your job go. NM

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Okee-doke! We'll see what tune you're singing in a few years - or maybe less time than that

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...and may the devil take the hindmost.

Attitudes like hers are what allow MTs to be taken - advantage of by the Greedy Ones. nm

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Probably going to get MTSOs replying - pretending to be MTs

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No doubt, the suggestion scares the bejesus out of an MTSO, and since we don't know who anyone really is..."grain of salt" comes to mind.

I think that happens here much more than we know. - But hey... MTSOs know little about HONESTY. NM

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Sigh.... - BTDT

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How about you start and let us know how you make out.

The trend is to REPLACE us now. Giving them a reason to accelerate that would be great. Like it or not, for many MTs even having sh*t wages is better than no wages. The economy is HORRID and anyone who jeopardizes their job right now, well yes, there WOULD be someone standing there willing to accept ANY job, especially one working at home.

The MTs you have access to is a mere microcosm of the entire population. Most don't spend time online bitching about their circumstances. Instead, they just do their jobs. Yes, it sucks that wages have lowered, and all the other "it sucks" things. But the stark reality is that you either accept it, or find a new job. All this drum beating isn't going to change a thing.

Do you think they need "a reason to accelerate" replacing us? - like the sign says - THIMK!

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The "oh, it's all so hopeless" argument makes me sick. "Yes, it sucks but..." reminds me of nothing more than "Yes, I probably can't make it to shore, so I'm not even going to paddle...it might attract sharks!"

And as for the microcosm argument, you can find the flaw in that one yourself. It's hardly hiding from you.

Actually - BTDT

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I have kept my skills updated. I have a back-up career should I choose to leave MT. I'm employed by 2 companies and make good money at both of them.

So for me, there's absolutely NO incentive for taking a day off, well not unless it's a PTO day of course.

And yes, I get PTO days. And holidays.

Your "argument" needs to start at the lowest level before going large -- and I'm not sure what your microcosm hidden message was. It's a fact, the majority of MTs don't participate on MTStars, believe me. Many don't participate in ANY online community. And many of them are pleased with their MT positions.

If those of you making low wages for a national are unhappy- then don't just take off a day-- leave. What real impact do you honestly think taking a day off will do? If you want to impact, the go big or go home.
Have you any idea how self-contradictory your - post is?
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Is it "go big" or is it "start at the lowest level before going large"??!!

Incidentally, let's get this "not-online" argument out of the way once and for all. Today, most American MTs who work at home ARE online, somewhere.

They might lurk on forums without joining in. They might be on Facebook or MySpace. They might be on "work-at-home" forums, or "Save The Monarch Butterfly" forums. But trust me, they're online.

Perhaps you've heard about the "viral" nature of Web 2.0, or the "social Web" as it's also known. Or do you imagine that MT Stars is "all there is"?
Also, many MTs still working on-site are also online - as well. I am, for one. nm
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I think youre totally right. Unfortunately, there are MTs - who are so complacent with the - sm

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status-quo, or who are so brainwashed and/or insecure about their true worth as an employee, that they see any attempt at organizing and trying to fix the problem as a threat. They repeatedly come up with that tired old response, "Then why don't you quit, and leave the work for ME?"

The same mentality that allows repeated spousal abuse to occur, is the mentality that allows repeated worker abuse to occur. It's really pitiful.

HeHeHe - This comes up about every 6 weeks or so. - Give it up

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You can not "organize" MTs who work from home. Only about 10% of the 100,000 MTs nationwide frequent these boards. This has been discussed to death. You can not stop technology, VR, offshoring, etc. I think you are just using this as a topic/excuse to vent and/or insult others for not agreeing with you because you don't like reality. Besides, half or more of the MTs out there are happy with their jobs. Why would they do this? Do you really expect them to risk their jobs or give up any portion of their pay because YOU are unhappy. Uh, I don't think so, but you go ahead and carry on your crusade. Oh, and let us know how many you get to join you and what difference it makes in the industry, but don't come crying here when you lose your job or your company decides to do more offshoring of their accounts thanks to your actions.

Gee, now I wonder - WHY this might come up so often?

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And PLEASE don't use that tired old gag of laying it off on "unhappy" people.

I'm not somnolent. I'm aware that it comes up, and I'm also aware of all the "true-isms" that invariably characterize the responses of the naysayers.

"Can't be done."

"Wouldn't work."

"Not enough MTs are online" - one that I particularly love, since that is one thing that has changed markedly in recent years - unnoticed by those who fall back on this argument out of force of habit.

"Would result in more work going offshore" - another honey of an argument, given that many clients refuse to allow work to be done offshore, and given that prices are rising in the offshore markets now also.

"They'll hire someone else!" - one wwonders how many timid garment workers whimpered that one.

Let's get one thing perfectly clear. This isn't about whether I am unhappy. It's about very obvious trends that are neither healthy for us nor for the industry - and that adversely affect ALL of us, whether we think we're "okay" at the moment or not.

Coffee's brewing and ready anytime you open your sleepy eyes.

How do you KNOW at-home workers cant be organized? - s/m

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Granted, losers who allow themselves to believe that they and the work they do aren't worth anything most likely can't be organized. Shoot - do people with your negativity ever even leave the house? Probably not. If you're happy to stay chained to your "home office" down in the laundry room, making less than burger-flipper wages, and working more and more hours for it, all the while eventually losing your healthcare benefits, PTO, and self-respect, then by all means, have at it. But don't go telling people who still maintain at least some semblance of value for the work they do, and a glimmer of hope, that something "can't be done". Maybe YOU wouldn't be able to be a leader in organizing MTs, but I'll bet there's someone out there who can.
How about you organizing? - We need more than emails and talk eh?
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We are a fearful bunch in ways, myself included. And, it is easier to keep a few blinders on, no matter how aware one might be of the current situation and disheartened/disgusted/frustrated about it.

We barely can tell each other our real names here, let alone UNITE. There is an alternate to AHDI out there but it costs $$ and, as far as I can tell, isn't doing much yet either, mostly related to offshoring.

You voice the issues very clearly and accurately and seem to have great enthusiasm for this cause - it CAN be infectious. So, what is the next step? Can you take it, will you take it? How do you go about organizing? It's hard enough to email each other off this board and be "exposed" out of fear we might be blackballed and lose our work. Anyway, I for one would be behind something - not a union per se - but a mobilization of as many of us as possible to speak out.

I know, the same things have been said over and over here on this board, but you know, if it isn't said (every 6 weeks or so), we surely know NOTHING will ever change, right.

So, could YOU be a leader in organizing MTs?
Ive been trying for years, even back when I was an - inhouse MT, but I lack the charisma -sm
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and leadership qualities. You have to be a popular and likeable person for people to follow you. I do have the ability to write, so I do it whenever and wherever I think it can help.

It's not always a matter of complacency. - wannie

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Maybe you're not like me, but I can't afford to miss a day's pay (even a mediocre amount) and I don't have enough vacation to take a day. I don't like what's happening to the industry and to our profession, but I cannot afford to lose any time whatsoever that is not absolutely necesary.

Thats exactly why MTSOs are (so far) getting away with - s/m

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continually lowering MT pay and benefits, all the while increasing their own.

If you "can't miss a day's pay" to stand up for yourself, then what are you going to do when the pay finally hits the zero-mark, and/or the job disappears entirely?

If MTs were organized we might have half a chance of convincing the government that sending ALL American jobs overseas, not just ours, is NOT right, and it's not how to turn around a failing economy.

I'm really appalled (and frightened) by the shortsightedness of anyone who isn't looking at the big picture.

economics - at

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This is about basic economics. As long as there are MTs that can make money in this business, there will be MTs, whatever the current pay. Only when the pay reaches a point where it is no longer viable for anyone, will the pay change or the way of doing things will change. Doing available work is not greedy. It is making a living. If that living is not enough, the MT would sustain a loss, and could no longer work. The fluctuation of MTs and workloads occur with price. When pay is higher, more people enter the field, driving down pay. When pay is lower, people leave the field until a shortage occurs, and pay will go up again. At some point, there is an equilibrium until new methods or factors change the environment. Maybe outsourcing medical records will become illegal for privacy concerns, and that would change the industry. Any number of things could change the factors but, right now, the current pay is the value of the industry under current conditions. Past conditions no longer exist. Creating unions and forcing higher pay typically creates a less efficient, more costly society as a whole. Doctor and hospital budgets, the medical industry, patients, and insurance companies also factor into number of accounts and hired MTs. There are many factors that go into pay level of any profession, but rarely is greed the reason, unless you are talking about human rights violations and the like.

Change, or get left behind - GLS

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so sayeth the very wise man

We were "left behind" the first day some MTSO sent - some of their overflow work to India. nm

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change - at

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Yes, the factors that influenced our pay changed with India, as well as more sophisticated software. Lower pay and/or moving to a new industry are the changes we must accept. I personally would like to see medical records kept in America, not because it helps me, which it may, but because of privacy concerns for American citizens. It is much easier to prosecute identity theft within the country. If that ever happens, however, it will not necessarily mean an increase in pay for MTs. It may mean doctors increasingly use cheaper software to replace us. We must view current pay levels not as someone being "mean" to us or "greedy", but as a clear measure of the current direction and worth of our industry. This will fluctuate with changing factors, but we cannot force higher pay in an economy that has alternatives and cannot cover their costs by paying us more. If one can see this as an opportunity to adapt, one can make more than ever. I have personally experienced this, even if change is hard to swallow at first.
The problem with American companies paying us at - offshore rates, is that we still - sm
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have to pay American prices for everything from housing to corn flakes. Healthcare costs will likely put all of us in the poorhouse, even with good jobs. (Blue Cross is going to raise its rates by 39% this year).

If the companies were physically situated in India, with all-Indian employees, and transcribed only Indian work, then 3 cpl or less is not "mean" or "greedy". But put that same company in America, with American employees, still making the American equivalent of 3 cpl or less, or not hiring Americans at all, and sending all the work to India, IS greedy. It's all about their bottom line.

ALSO! After watching the Sacramento Assemblyman grilling the executives from Blue Cross yesterday, and listening to all their slimy answers to his questions, another thought came to mind: ANY COMPANY HAVING ANYTHING TO DO WITH HEALTHCARE SHOULD NOT HAVE STOCKHOLDERS OR BE AFFILIATED IN ANY WAY WITH WALL STREET. That's where a large part of the problem is these days.... driven by investor greed as well as CEO greed. It all needs to STOP.
more economics - at
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American MTs are not paid the rate of Indian MTs. We do, however, have a lower pay rate with the competition from India. That is an economic reality, not a matter of greed. We are worth less, because we are replaceable. Even though people make profits in a market economy, case study after case study after case study of government-centered and non-profit-centered care in any industry has proven more expensive, lower quality, and less efficient. There are many economic factors that cause this, too many for this board, but profit and competition are not the bad guys here. Our jobs, just like the man who used to sell ice on the street before freezers, are slowly being replaced with lower prices elsewhere and technology, thereby lowering the market value of an MT.

If people want to start doing something why not start here? - Typin_away

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Your Voice is Needed

With all that is at stake for the medical transcription sector, it has never been more urgent that healthcare documentation professionals state their value proposition loudly and clearly to ensure a viable and successful future for the sector.

From March 23 to 25, healthcare documentation professionals and medical transcription owners and executives will converge on Capitol Hill to speak with federal legislators about the critical need for "meaningful use" and EHR certification regulations to include the dictation-transcription process and preserve a place for structured narrative reports. The recently proposed regulations represent a major step toward acknowledging the potential for EHRs to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care; however, more must be done to ensure the integrity of patient health information and to convince healthcare delivery that "meaningful use" must be practical for both physicians and patients.

That is where you come in. We need you and your colleagues to educate legislators on how the medical transcription sector can partner with care providers to ensure the clinical accuracy, security, and completeness of patient records by serving as an "extra set of eyes" for quality assurance. We also need to powerfully demonstrate how this sector is a fast-track solution to the challenges of EHR adoption. We need legislators to support our campaign by encouraging government agencies to acknowledge the role and value of the dictation-transcription process and structured narrative reports through formal inclusion in legislation and related regulations.

If you cannot attend Advocacy Summit, you can also support this impactful event by sending a letter to your Representative and Senators and by asking your colleagues to do the same. Please click here for instructions on letter writing, as well as a model letter you can use to develop your message. We appreciate any and all assistance you can lend to this cause. If you have any questions about the Advocacy Summit, please contact Greg Doggett at 859-512-3284 or gdoggett@ahdionline.org.

Register for Advocacy Summit 2010

Hotel Room Block Deadline—March 1, 2010

The special discounted group rate of $175 (plus tax) per night for single- and double-occupancy rooms at the Marriott Crystal City in Arlington, VA, will expire on Monday, March 1, 2010. Please book your hotel room(s) immediately as prices will rise dramatically after the deadline. The Marriott Crystal City is located directly above a Metro stop and is a quick ride from Washington, DC. This hotel will serve as headquarters for the 2010 Advocacy Summit, hosting all events prior to and after the March 24 trip to Capitol Hill.

Click here to book your hotel room

Thank you for your time and support.

This post needs to be reposted at - the top of this forum SM

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I see no one has responded. This sounds like a good idea to me.

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Jul 28, 2011

I'm sure a lot of you work on multiple accounts. I work on 3 different accounts. Right now I have my account specifics on my desktop, but this is aggravating to me. I think it would be easier to print them and put them in a binder to have easy access to them and put each hospital in its own tabbed section. Some people may think it's easier to have them on their desktop where they can click on them and leave them open in the background, but then I scroll and seems like cannot find w ...

Organized Or Not, MT Or Not, Global Economy Or Not,
Aug 16, 2011

During a time when millions of Americans are out of work, with no hope in sight of finding another job, and people up in Washington jabbering away about "Fixing the economy", the bottom line, and the truth, is this: No American company should be putting bigger profits ahead of all else.  Not when so many skilled Americans are in such dire need.  It's just not right, and it's time to tell the government we won't tolerate their allowing big business to squash the rest of ...

QA Keeps Changing Pro-time To Pro-time Or Pro-time Or Pro-time....once And For All, Which Is Correct
Apr 07, 2011

x ...

Trying To Find Part-time Or Full-time Employee Position (hospital/clinic)
Apr 30, 2013

If anyone knows of a hospital, clinic, or large practice offering remote full-time or part-time employee positions, I would really appreciate an email.  I have the sudden need to help support a family member long term (in addition to myself) and really need to find a long-term remote employee position for the stability.  Yes, I watch all the various employment sites and even individual hospital sites, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe someone who works for a hospital that does th ...

How Many Lines Is Considered Full Time And Part Time At Your MTSO?
May 06, 2010

I am wondering what the average for part time and full time status is either if it is done by line count or hours. Thanks so much! ...

Dec 08, 2011

Has anyone working for an MTSO been downgraded from full-time status to part-time status based on not enough hours worked to be considered full time, yet making well above the minimum amount of earnings required for full-time status? ...

Does Precyse Hire Any Part-time Or Only Full-time?
Nov 03, 2010

nm ...

Overtime Because Of The Time Clock Time Zone Change?
Feb 06, 2011

It has been inconvenient, and maybe a bit confusing at times, to check my time card hours for my shift as, because of my time zone, part of my hours show up on the next day because I work 2nd shift. I wonder if I will get overtime for yesterday, even though I did not work overtime. I had to start work several hours early because of maintenance, so all hours were completed before the hour my hours start showing up on the next day. Fine. But the last couple hours of yesterday show up as today, ...

Anybody Else's Actual Time Worked Not Match Clocked Time?
Jun 13, 2011

Ever since they have changed Schedule Source and now it has a display called today's activity with "actuals" hours, this has not matched the hours shown with the time clock punches and is less than the hours according to the clock punch. The difference adds up to a significant amount over time. I am really suspicious about being jypped paywise. ...

MQ Rehire Policy For Part Time To Full Time
Apr 09, 2011

I worked for MQ full time and then went to part time last year, before finally quitting altogether because of health problems. I seem to remember an obscure policy that if you were full time and then went to part time, you could not go back to full time for a period of at least 1 year.  Can anyone verify that for me? IF, and this is a big IF, I were to go back to work for MQ, I would need to be full time. ...

Part-time Versus Full-time Benefits
Jan 10, 2013

I'm curious as to the difference between the benefits for part-time versus full-time employment.  Are they the same?   ...

The New MQ Time Clock Time Zone Change
Jan 04, 2011

is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.  Like I'm going to remember 6 months from now to ask for my PTO in CST time when I am in EST time zone.  MQ is the screwiest company I have ever worked for. ...

Optiscript Part Time To Full Time
Nov 19, 2011

Does anyone care to share that if you are hired at optiscript part time will they let you change to full time easily? I know they are a small company and do not over hire so I do not know how easily this could be done.  I am thinking of cutting down to part time at my current employee so I can work part time elsewhere and eventually just leave my current employee once I see how the land lays elsewhere.  Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated :) ...

Full-time/Part-time Hours?
Feb 13, 2012

Since part-time is generally considered 20-25 hrs. per week, does that mean that full-time is anything over 25 hrs. per week or does it have to be a flat 40 hrs? ...

Anyone Gone From Full-time To Part-time With This Company?
Mar 21, 2012

I am strongly considering going to part-time, just hoping to get opinions from anyone who has gone from full-time to part-time or opinions from anyone who has just always been part-time.  Thanks! ...

Nuance: From Full-time To Part-time
Apr 26, 2012

Would anyone be willing to post info on this? I am considering switching to part-time. Wondering how amenable the company is to such requests. If you have done this, were you able to keep same schedule or were you forced into a different schedule? Thanks for any thoughts! ...

Questions Re Going From Full Time To Part Time. Sm
Aug 08, 2012

Has anyone been allowed to go from full-time to part-time employment with Nuance?  Were you able to keep the same basic schedule?  I won't be ready to do this until early next year, so not asking HR at this point. Thanks for any responses! ...

Nuance - Part Time To Full Time?
Aug 08, 2012

I see the post about going from full to part time, but what about the opposite?  For example, if I get hired at 30 hours per week and I have extra time available for a few weeks, can I consistently work more hours than those scheduled 30 hours?  Thanks for any insight you can give. ...

Change From Full- Time To Part- Time.
Sep 10, 2012

I am still debating whether to enroll at Andrews or M-TEC.  My husband is retiring in 2 years and I want to be able to work part-time after that.  Is it realistic to think that I can complete the course at Andrews or M-TEC in 12 months at the most, work full time for a year and then part-time after that.  I would want to be able to work from home.  I guess the other question is "How long after graduating could I expect to earn enough to make it worth the investment, in a reas ...

Is It Easy To Go From Full Time To Part Time At MM?
Feb 18, 2013

I hired on at full time but want to drop 2 hours off a day.  Do they make you change shift or accounts in that case? I don't want benefits so don't care about that.  I worked at Nuance and any change in schedule ultimately ended up in an account and/or shift change.   TIA ...

From Full Time To Part Time With MModal?
Mar 04, 2013

from full time to part time w MM?  I am so burned out trying to work full time hours, I honestly think I would get the same pittance of a check working part time.  Thanks.   ...

Has Anyone Moved From Part-time To Full-time With The
Apr 26, 2013

same company? If so, was it a good decision? I'm thinking of doing that. Thanks. ...

?? Full Time At IMedx/part Time
Jun 18, 2015

Just asking if anyone knows what is considered full time for Imedx and what is considered part time?  ...

Full-time To Part-time
Mar 09, 2010

For those who went full time to part-time with MQ (because you got another job)...how did that work?  Did they approve the schedule you wanted, or did they make you take a schedule?  My CCM told me in my area there is no more flexible part-time available but could do regular 24 hour part-time...she said she would have to approve my schedule if and when I do this.  I may be doing two part-time jobs to start and I am trying to figure out how to do my scheduling around both jobs.    Does a ...

Time Tape/Time Ratio
Mar 09, 2010

Does anyone know how the time/tape time ratio works?  If you type 7 words per minute, would your ratio be 7.1?  Or am I totally off course on this? ...

Anybody Know About Getting Time Off For Part-time Status
May 04, 2012

I just switched to part-time status due to a court reporting program I have been taking and need 4 hours a day to practice my speed.  I couldn't really figure out the time off situation. I don't care about PTO but want to take time off when I need it.  Anybody know anything about this?  Thanks.  ...

Re Time Clock, Lph, And Time Worked.
May 18, 2012

My company was honest and upfront when we started using ChartNet.  They told us that once you enter a report for VR, the time clock does not actually start for 60 seconds.  Soooo.... this means if I did 30 reports, I add 30 minutes on my time sheet, right?  Nothing was said about this for straight typing on ChartNet.  We do both.  Does anyone know if the time works the same on VR and straight typing for ChartNet?  I have tried researching it, but I can't find a ...

Has Anyone Gone Full-time To Part-time
Mar 28, 2014

Has anyone gone full-time to part-time and then worked part-time at another company as well? I can't keep having my pay go up and down with this incentive nonsense. Need more stability. Way too much stress.   ...

What's The Hour And Line Count Differences Between Part Time And Flex Part Time?
Jan 12, 2012

I'm currently flex part time only working 18 hours a week but I do have a set schedule.  What are the requirments for part-time and how may hours per week do you have to work.  Also, is there a difference between the line counts for part time and flex part time. Thanks. ...