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Will dictators ever be held accountable - Sloppy Speech

Posted: Mar 25, 2015

I just had to stop and vent. I am appalled at the quality of dictation these days. The sentence structure, lack of consistency, outright errors and not paying attention to what they are saying. That goes for the stutterers, the repeaters, the ones who start a sentence and then just die off. If you cannot speak clearly and enunciate then you need to HIRE SOMEONE TO DICTATE FOR YOU. Have some respect for the people who have to try and interpret your garbage or GET OFF THE SYSTEM. We cannot interpret vomit, coughing, snorting, or your phone conversations. Just my opinion.

Agree 100% - Disgusted

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I am with you all the way. Why are we supposed to respect them when they clearly have no respect for us?

Totally agree - JMT

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I have this one ER doc who, I swear, dictates in his sleep. No one can ever understand half of what he says. The entire dictation is one huge mumble with almost no pauses. Another thing that drives me absolutely CRAZY is when they eat while they're dictating and loudly crunch and smack and make all kinds of disgusting noises. Is it really that hard to wait to eat in between dictations??? Some of these dictators really need to be forced to sit through a lecture on dictating etiquette and be made to realize that there are actually people on the other end of their dictations who have to try and make sense of and interpret their garbage.

My cousin is a PA who dictates almost daily and he asked me last Thanksgiving what annoying things dictators do that really get on MT's nerves so he can try to avoid doing them and I gave him a huge list of things!

One last rant: If you can't even pronounce the name of a medication, you probably shouldn't be prescribing it!!!

Was that mumble mouth in Tri Cities, WA? - Amy

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Sloppy Speech - squirrel

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No, they won't be held accountable because the MTSOs are afraid to tell them to clean up their speech. They don't care about the MT/MEs, only about what goes into their own pockets. They hung the MT/MEs out to dry, and we have to tough it out with Dr. _______ from a foreign country, who has English as a fifth language, and who can't put a sentence together to save their lives. No, don't count on it getting better, count on it getting much, much worse.

'Skip Silence' Command. - Amy

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I recently started with another service who has a "Skip Silence" command in EditScript. I was so excited to finally not have to sit waiting and waiting for the doctor to utter the next word, ruining my line count stats, and jeopardizing my job with all the time wasted waiting. Then I find out that we are not allowed to use hat. It was obviously developed to increase production and it must have cost a lot of money to have the developers include this function in EditScript. Are these MTSO that afraid of doctors to simply teach them how to use the damn pause button???

Not to mention the ones who can't pronounced medications correctly - notmyjob

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I have one doctor who cannot pronounce medications correctly and also A LOT of her medical terms. Really gets under my skin. If I'm lucky there will be an old report in the system for the same patient so I can look up whatever it is the doctor is saying, but a lot of the times I can't because it's a new medication they start the patient on during the hospitalization.

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