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Transcend employees...entering time in TimeSaver - stressedMT

Posted: Feb 07, 2012

I need help and need to know how you all enter your time in TimeSaver.  I was told to only enter the time you are actually typing or editing and do not enter the time you are researching or reading work emails, etc., only when your "hands are on the keyboard".  So, this obviously won't equal to 8 hours a day just by entering this time, so how do they figure in that we are full-time employees this way? 

 If I only enter 5 or 6 hours a day instead of 8 then they can always say I'm a part-time employee right?  I don't want to be played here and I need benefits and need to be full time. 

Transcend timesaver - anon

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I would check with your TL or regional manager if I were you. I also work there but only part time. My frustration is that I am supposed to work 8 hours 3 days a week, fine no problem. But, here is the problem, the worst dictators I have ever had in 25 years of being an MT, so very low line counts result. If I put down 8 hours and my lines are so low that they question that, I was told to put down less time... Go figure on that one... oh, yea, it's because they do not want or have to pay you even minimum wage, because that is exactly what it would come to or less.

Have asked too many times to count for new accounts and not happening for me. It would be a shame if I lost the job that I need just to survive through no fault of my own because I am not putting in the required hours for part-time!!

It seems like the only answer is to increase - speed. SM

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Do they require you to do a certain number of LPH editing or transcribing? I think they require a certain amount of $$$ per pay period to be considered full time and if it takes you 50 hours a week to do this, oh well. The only recourse is speeding up as I said. If they require, for instance, 150 LPH transcribing, divide your lines for the day by 150 and come up with your hours worked. I think researching is a big part of this job and should be considered in the equation to an extent. I personally have a time limit that I spend on researching.

it goes by gross pay - memls

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if you are full time you are required to gross 900 per pay period, if you fall below that for a subsequent amount of pay periods you are dropped to part time which part time MLS are required to gross 450 per pay period. It does not go by hours or LPH.

yes, but - stressedMT

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when they say you need to be working at least 35 hours a week for full time, is that the time you have entered into Timesaver or does it matter? I can't get a clear answer about this from anyone at Transcend.
35 hours for full time means 35 hours enter the hours - needed to show you are full time
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If you are making the line counts, then enter the hours you need to be considered full-time or you'll probably be facing loss of benefits for not working the required hours.
full time at Trascend - me too
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Yeah, the TimeSaver - That is anything but! I am reading this in a very interested manner as I have had my issues with this. I had asked early on if I could work one given Sunday, which was in the same payperiod, after I had a week of technical problems the week before, not being able to do so on Saturday and I was told, NO. Because I could not run the risk of running over time the next week. Then, another time I was being told to fix my TimeSaver because there were too many hours for the amount of work I did as I originally was putting down the 8 hours I spend at the computer working (my fingers are not always typing on a report when working obviously. Sometimes there are technical issues, emails to send, Googling, figuring out information sheet issues, reading canned text to see which is correct, which takes longer than transcribing the entire thing to begin with, but I digress, and so on). Bottom line - They need a new system.

Right, until now. - sm

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now the communications say you must meet the gross pay AND the minimum of 7 hr per day requirement for full-time benefits.
you are right - memls
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I just seen that..LOL..well I hope they are going to make sure there is enough work for people to do that. I am only part time
well, they are setting themselves up for some legal action - to be taken against them, sm
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I would do it in a heartbeat. If they took away my full-time status because of this, I would definitely hire an attorney and get them into court over it. Chances are they would settle and then have to change their future practice of this illegal time keeping.
They've required that for at least 3 years when - former Trancend
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I worked for them. They're not scared of us.
That's because no one has challenged this practice. - nm
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I'm sure this practice of time keeping is not up to - standars for the DOL, sm
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make a verbal complaint to someone about it, make a written complaint. I would just cover myself for future reference. They are going to get someone in there eventually who is not afraid to stand up for themselves over this.
Trust me, you won't win with DOL or attorney - do not bother
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Been there, done that. They have deep pockets and can afford expensive attorneys, and you will not win. Just get out--that's my advice.
of course, PT have different requirement. - no message
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Gross? - me

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I don't think it's gross minimum of 900, I think it's net minimum of 900.
no, it is gross. Net varies per insurance, etc. - no message
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900 min 35 hours - sm

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Keep in mind not everyone is paid the same so someone paid 10 cents a line and 5 cents VR makes 900 min much quicker than someone paid 8 cents a line 4 cents VR. Also the 35 hour requirement is all in the Trancend Handbook or whatever it is called.

here is my advice - sm

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As a long-time MT, I say that researching words, reading work email, etc ARE part of the job. Now I feel I am fair. If I am checking reasonably quickly for a word, name or looking at work email for stat information, that is figured into my work time. Keep in mind too that 7 hours a day is considered full-time, at least per the information I have been given. If you are in great need of benefits, then do according to what is required, don't listen to me. But I feel strongly about this "hands on the keyboard" thing. It amounts to another drop in wages if we abide. I agree with other poster to talk to your TL and other higher ups if anything unclear. Communication is important.

Yes, I have talked to the TL and ROM - stressedMT

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I've been given generic responses, almost sounds as if they are rehearsed. It's hard for me to understand the "hands on keyboard" thing as researching is a huge part of our work and we can't enter that time in.

As stated in a previous post, save your e-mails as - this company is setting themselves up, sm

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for a lawsuit from somebody. I guarantee you the first time they fire someone or they have no work for someone and they try to collect unemployment, someone is going to blow the whistle on this company for this illegal practice of theirs.

You're being played if you don't include the time - you spent on your job, sm

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That includes whatever you have to do to get your job done, even research. They are just trying to get out of paying extra for overtime if someone ended up working that or bringing someone up to minimum wage. What they are doing is illegal.

yes, it sounds like - sm, disilllusioned

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as if they are trying very hard to steamline payouts and discard MTs, whatever it takes to increase profit margin. If things continue in this vein, I may just lose my belief about it being a decent place to work.

Find out who you send all the blanks to - that require research, sm

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I wouldn't work for free.

yeah, I agree, I just don't know what to do .. - stressedMT

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I get paid for the line counts, so that isn't a problem, but it is a whole different issue as I don't know how I would ever be paid for OT if I were to have it.

I'm basically sitting at a desk for 7 hours a day, that's after taking out the time for lunch (which I use to pick my DD up from school) and bathroom breaks, but I'm only entering 4-6 hours' time worked, usually about 5. It doesn't sound right at all.

I don't many other options for working for other companies though. The small and mid-sized companies are getting swallowed up by the squid and I don't wanna work for them. I may look into coding...idk...

seach the archives, you're not alone - nm

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hopefully as time goes by.. - stressedMT
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and I get more familiar with the account I'm on, I won't have to spend so much time on researching the area physicians and towns, clinics, etc. I just think that time spent researching is time working. I guess I can't win this battle though...
StressedMT: We just had a meeting about - how to use Google SM
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more effectively, how to narrow your search parameters, etc., things that would cut your research time hopefully. There were also excellent websites given to search specific things, such as towns, cities, physician names, drug names. I think this could help you. I also think you will get faster the more familiar you get with the account. Ask your TL if you can get this information.
It's really not about the time it takes to research - stressedMT
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It's about the fact that we should be paid for time spent working, whether it's actually typing/editing or researching. No, we shouldn't be paid for time off work after our shift is over when we are at the movies or with our family or watching TV, etc, but sitting at a desk doing my JOB, yes, I should be paid for that time..the WHOLE time.

Precyse does the same thing, different name. - NoThanks

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What they want you to do is actually be stroking the keys for 7 hours. This can take about 10 hours to do, given all the other stuff going on. So, you work about 50 hours a week to show 35. If you do not do the 35, they threaten your job. No, it's not right and it should not be legal. But they are doing it AND getting away with it. It sucks. And it doesn't matter if you are fast and accurate. Only their statistics matter.

You're forgetting the most important thing . . - mollie

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We should be paid not only for being
AVAILABLE during our shift to work but also for our KNOWLEDGE. When you go to an attorney, you are paying for his knowledge, not just time. We have to know the difference between ilius and ileus, perineal and peroneal, etc. and where these are appropriate. Just today I had to flag a report on the hands that used "metacarpals" instead of "metatarsal". Our pay should reflect knowledge as well as labor.

Um, what? - Pam

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Metacarpals is the hands, and metatarsals are the feet.

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