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The TRUTH about Precyse Solutions - STAY AWAY! - wastedcareer

Posted: Aug 24, 2011

Actually, several truths about Precyse that current or prospective employees should be aware of:

1.  Recently, an entire group of employees was laid off who had been there for years and had been great employees.  I was one of these people.  The official company line is something like "Processes have become so efficient that we no longer need nearly as much staffing as we have had in the past."  The truth is that the company is pushing to move all work over 2 hour TAT to India, and India no longer has to have domestic QA checking its work.  They just don't want the MTs to know because they are afraid they will all leave before transition is complete.

2.  Within the last few months, a Workflow Coordinator position was posted on the website, but at the same time, a relatively new employee who is the sister of a high-level manager was promoted to a management position that was never even posted.  There were several of us who are far more qualified, but we weren't even given an opportunity to apply.  Needless to say, it is common knowledge that she is not even qualified for this position because she couldn't even handle her previous position. Why couldn't they at least post for this opening?  Some of us would have loved the opportunity, especially since we had been here for YEARS....and in good standing.  Pure NEPOTISM, PERIOD.

3.  Upper management, bottom line, does not care about its employees.  I do have to say that in my experiences here, the middle/lower management employees were the backbone of things and at least acted like they cared about the employees.  If you aren't in the right circles at the company, you will never get anywhere.  You either have to be related or have worked at a company with those who run the company.  Otherwise, you get to remain a peon.

Mark my word...if you go to work at this company, you are going to find yourself losing your work to India every time you turn around.  You will be the ones getting the ASR trained for the Indian MTs, and then you will find yourself with a new temporary account that you will have for 2 weeks until it is ready for India...and then, guess what....you will have no job.  Precyse used to be such a wonderful company until the past 2 years.  It's such a sad situation.

I can't remember how long it has been, a few years, but - me

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I interviewed with them. The recruiter was on IM with other people the entire interview, and she said every word she was typing. She told me how lucky I was that they had an opening on this particular account because it was an absolutely wonderful account that the MTs loved and there was rarely an opening. She then told me the name of the account. I had worked on that account at another company and it was horrendous. The absolute worse ESL dictators and I do about 85% ESL now, so I'm used to them.

She then switched me to the team lead for this account who slipped and pretty much told me that the account was difficult and they couldn't keep MTs on it, that they sent the good work offshore and kept the difficult dictation in the U.S. I already knew I wasn't going to take the account after talking with the recruiter, but they offered me a position, which I of course declined. I hate being lied to more than anything. As my momma used to say "I was born at night, but it wasn't last night."

Precyse-Stuck here, but not for much longer - HighHopes

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I work there, and the transition of work to India has affected my line counts because, it seems like as soon as I learn an account, it goes to India. It really is frustrating. I do get plenty of work right now, but it is in about 6 different accounts all day long. I do like my manager, though. The benefits aren't great, but I need them for my family - but, gosh, it take HALF of my paycheck, and the health insurance isn't all that great. I am really starting to feel like the company is getting so nitpicky and looking for reasons to fire people, so I have no sense of job security here. I don't think there is job security anywhere...but I am continuing to look for something better than Precyse. Trying to find a silver lining somewhere so it won't be so depressing to come to work daily. If you do come to Precyse, I wouldn't trust about half of what the company preaches...at least you won't be disappointed. And, yeah, I heard, too, that there is a lot of upward mobility among family members of supervisors in the company. It isn't right, but what can you do?

Take This Job and Shove It - Disgusted Precyser

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That's the old Johnny Paycheck song that's been going through my head lately and I wish I could sing it to 'em!!!! However, a person has to eat and pay the bills so for now I am stuck or at least until I get FIRED for not being able to keep up with their unrealistic expectations dealing with some of the worst dictators I've ever heard (and I used to work at MedQuist!). You must not make any mistakes and you must do everything at breakneck speed. And let's not neglect to mention the micromanaging that's going on. It's always been there but it's much, much worse lately. I've had a feeling they want to get rid of us, or at least some of us, for a while now and these comments on here shed a little light on the picture for me. I can't believe I'm saying all these things because I used to LOVE working for Precyse. Now I absolutely HATE going to work every day, wondering what I'm going to be badgered about next. I heartily agree with all that's been said here about Precyse. In a sick sort of way I'm glad I'm not the only one!

I used to work for Precyse about five years ago. - Ex-Precyser

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Worked for them for three years. When I first started that company was Heaven on earth. Decent accounts/dictators. Great managers. Good training. All of a sudden (coinciding with when they started to transition to SR) everything fell apart. Worst dictators in the world, poor training, nasty QA. The longtimers were jumping the decks like rats off of a sinking ship. Couldn't make any money. Constant running out of work and being micromanaged. I almost went bankrupt.

I believe that we had a change in senior management that wasn't widely advertised, and when they came aboard the whole culture of the company changed. Leaving there was one of the best decisions that I've ever made in my MT life.

Good luck to you all regardless of whether you decide to stay or find other employment.

Horrible place.

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