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Synernet PTB - I want a cherry.

Posted: Oct 08, 2014

This msg goes out to J and V.   I would love to email or call you and address my concerns over this but I could not trust that my name would not be brought up and I would just have hell to pay later.   I (we) would love it if you would do something about the supervisors cherry picking their work types.  Why dont they work from a pool like the rest of us?  It is obvious when certain report types (PE tubes, T&A's, cataracts, etc. etc. are being done by the batches by supervisors ) that  they are just snatching up the normal templates and assigning their own work while the rest of us struggle to get a decent line count.  Doesn't seem fair at all.   Why are they allowed to assign jobs to themselves instead of getting the work as it comes like the rest of us?      This goes for day and night shift supervisors.    PS  - if J or V don't read this, I hope someone else does that will forward the message.  

THANK YOU for addressing this issue!!! - Annoyed and frustrated

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You can bet your life if they found out who we are, we would be given the dregs of the work and our jobs would be made unbearable! Some of the supervisors are abusing their power. It's not hard to see who is doing it. Just do a job search and put their names in and see what jobs they're doing. How do these people sleep at night?! Where's the integrity? Where's the honesty? What about "do unto others as you want them to do to you"?!!! They have overstepped their boundaries and need to have V babysit them. Very professional, ladies. How do they expect us to trust them when they pull stunts like this when they think no one is looking? With great power comes great responsibility. Their antics need to stop. Suck it up, buttercups. I've also noticed that there are jobs sitting in their queues waiting for their shifts to start so that those jobs won't go to the peons' WPs when the supes aren't working. That's just low, people. They need accountability...and not to each other. I'm so frustrated, if better stop there.

How do you know that? - SynernetMT

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How can you see what's in someone else's queue? I know I can't. Not that I wouldn't love to be able to and I am sure they are doing that, no doubt about it.

Well, I'm not positive... - But almost

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When you do a job search for an MT, sometimes the results have a bunch of jobs in red listed first. When you try to open these jobs to view them, you get a response that says you already have an active job open. So I'm just guessing it hasn't been transcribed yet, but has been assigned to their queue. I could be wrong, but by the end of their shift (if you do job search again), those jobs are no longer in red. But like I said, I could be wrong.
You can go in and look at reports typed for each transcriptionist. sm - Giving up
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That would not tell you what is assigned to someone, but it could verify your theory that someone got all of the cataract normals or whatever.

I doubt anyone will listen or care. If they ever cared about the thoughts and feelings sm - Giving up

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of the MTs, that is long gone. I am on one of the crappiest accounts known to mankind and I dread signing in. I used to think it could not get any worse. I was wrong.

Why would something like this not be addressed anyway? - IMO

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Considering the interest shown to MTStars, you would think that a company out to protect their business and employees would want to keep their house (and reputation) clean. Seeing employee unhappiness brewing, you would think it would lead any good company to do a thorough investigation into such claims of bad behavior. Why would any company choose to ignore a problem like this brewing and allow the activity to continue in the same manner?

I guess easy answer is they do not care. If someone quits, someone desperate sm - Disenchanted SMT

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for a job will be hired. If you complain about or question anything, you will be targeted and find yourself suddenly given all of the crap work in the system. I stay because of the benefits, but each day my happiness and feelings of self worth slide a bit farther away.

Please tell me why they are allowed to - SYNMT

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assign the crap work to only one person period? Where is this pool thingy. I get stuff I can't even reject. It is assigned one after the other. Crap work! Sick of it. Skipped through. Assigned til I die.

To those who may have lost their jobs due to cherries - and insufficient line counts -

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I have been looking into this. Please look here:
Under chapter 12 I-E discusses "effort" and what is meant by it. It later goes on to discuss equal pay for equal effort. This was initially meant for Equal 'Gender' pay, but it is not specific once you go down into the law. Further down in section IV it discusses "the employer's self evaluation" of such claims. Meaning if the employee claims to be discriminated against, the employer needs to give the claim it's due diligence. Now this is after a "claim" in this context, which would probably only occur after being fired, but I think there may be a case for someone who thinks the cherry picking discriminated against them and thus cost them their job. I may be wrong, but I think it might get the Labor board at least to look into this, and save someone else some misery.

Even if gender only applies - some curious unrelated MT

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It may be useful to check out and see if there is an employee of the opposite gender working for the company you speak. It is very possible that any inequality in pay or "effort" based on cherry picking between sexes could get the case in the door.

I see the awesome cheerleader has been through with her dislikes. nm - rah rah

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Wow!! You have some serious issues to STILL be going on - sm

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and on and on and on about something said MONTHS AGO!! You really need a life seriously!

Likewise. nm - who cares

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ummmmm im not the one going on about a post made MONTHS - sm
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AGO smh
One comment referencing an idiotic thing said by someone once nm - Hardly represents "going on about it"
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However, I have given you enough attention already, so I am done.

get a life? - smt

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Who are you referring to, to "get a life"
I'm surprised anyone still uses that phrase. nm - dumb
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I agree and I know one of the former supervisors - TMT

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I know for a fact that the supervisors/leads are allowed to cherry pick whatever jobs they want whenever they want. It's completely wrong and unfair to the MTs who are trying to make a decent living and get stuck with all of the leftover crap jobs because all of the good ones are being taken by the cherry picking supervisors. It's a complete joke that they even allow such a thing to occur, but they do. And you are right. If you were to go to the top dogs about this, they would make your work life an absolute living hell. That's exactly the kind of people they are. Anyone who complains about anyone or anything automatically becomes one of their targets. Trust me. I've been there.

I view Synernet management as the MT corporate version of Mean Girls. sm - And the beat goes on

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They care about nothing but themselves and their self-promotion. The few times I have tried to express to Miss V any kind of differing opinion, I have been met with cold disapproval and then get assigned the crap work - just a coincidence, I am sure.

I wanna be a mean girl. Do they hire only from within for leads and supes? - looking soon

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Sounds like a great job... Sit back and assign your own work. My small MTSO is dwindling now thanks to EMR (I just do office work). So I am looking for a higher-up position in a larger MTSO that is not too demanding and if one of the perks is assigning my own work whenever I want, I'm definitely going to pursue this. I think I will contact them and confirm that what is posted here is really true (some things ARE too good to be true, I've found out) and see if they may have any lead or management positions opening in the near future. Sounds like management work at this place is a breeze!!
Glad I read this. Thanks!

Have any of you tried to get one of these jobs or is the turnover super low? They must have MTs lining up when one of these positions opens... I probably don't stand a chance.

It's absolutely not a breeze - Kim

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I can count at least 4 leads who have quit in the last year because of V and her vindictive ways and the condescending way she treats leads. There is extremely high turnover in those positions. It's so bad that there were no applicants any of the times they posted for these positions internally and the pay for leads is an absolute joke. Totally NOT worth it. Maybe if they actually paid leads a fair salary and started treating them with some respect and appreciation instead of treating them like slaves, they would be able to retain people in these positions, but as long as V has the reins, I don't see that happening.

They posted the jobs inhouse first and no one wanted them. nm - Good place to be FROM

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mean girl - smt

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Do you need the number? I would love for someone to ask if any of this is true. Be sure to let us know what answer you get.

Is anyone happy at Synernet?sm - anon

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I am scheduled for an interview. Is anyone happy at this company?

No - nm

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Of course some people are happy - but not me

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Every company has somebody who's happy. But there seems to be a lot of discontent these days. The cherry picking doesn't affect everyone the same, it depends on which jobs or pool you do. You're safe if you don't do the jobs that others will snap up given half a chance. Benefits are good but at 7 cpl plus the cherry picking plus the cliquish higher ups plus the fact that you feel your best bet is to lay low, keep under the radar, don't rub somebody the wrong way it doesn't seem worth it. And yet many stay, which doesn't speak to the quality of the company but to the fact that people feel like it's the lesser of many evils. Do the interview but know that the pay is 7 cpl straight typing, you plan your vacations in December for the next year and that's pretty much written in stone, and in spite of the generous ET it can be hard to get time off.

Thanks for the answer - anon

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It just seems like these companies would realize that cherry picking is akin to stealing money. Now I am getting cold feet. Thanks.
Tell you what though, if you can find 2 other - MT
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MT companies out there nowadays that are any better, please post them on here. I've been looking for a long time and Synernet is pretty much now the lesser of the other evils; so far. Just do your job and they will leave you alone. If you need your hand held, you will be in trouble. They don't! Realize the work is cherry picked so be able to do crappy work and not complain or you will get more. Be polite when talked to even if you don't want to be. Stay under the radar as much as possible. Understand it is either mandatory OT or no work. Main thing is, if you don't draw attention to yourself and just shut up, they will forget about you and you can just work. If you know how to suck up or are one of those workaholics, you will go far. If any of you think this is an exaggeration, it's not. This is MT now. Find something else to do while you have this job, then make the change. Best advice there is.

This is probably a dumb question, but how do you know if a sm - Curious SMT

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Job is assigned to you versus one that randomly comes into your queue? I thought they were red but JW told me once that that only means they are "important." Just curious. When I ask anyone in management about anything I am usually told it is not my concern,I do not need to know.

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