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Just very depressed - madmamma

Posted: Nov 30, 2009

I know a lot of you are going through this...I totally understand.  I am in radiology and the workload has been so slow.  This has been going on even before the holidays, especially after I got moved to a different CCM.  She only wants to change my schedule which, according to her emails, would be foolish since the times she wants me to move to have no work either.  I would go above her but what good would that do?

I have been actively applying to other places...but haven't heard anything.  I am feeling pretty low and wondering if I am just not good enough or something.  I have had 8 years experience and I have been passing my audits.  I did get a 97.7% once but I got that back up to 100%. Unfortunately, I have had limited clinic experience and no "acute care" experience. 

Thanks for listening.  I know everyone is having a hard time right now too.  Just figured maybe it would help if I just "talked" about it.




((((madmamma)))) - NOMO

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I sent you an email. Best wishes.

Does MQ Radiology use SpeechQ or do you - transcribe ? (NM)

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Depressed...... - Honeybear

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Hang in there. I think work is low in most areas right now. About searching for a new job..... keep at it. It took me 2 months before I even got a response and I've been doing this a LONG time! Once I got the first reply, I had 3 job offers in the same week. Are you willing to do other work besides Rad? That would really help, I think. Anyway, I wish you the best!

Yes - madmamma

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Yes I am willing to train on new work. I just want steady work, period. I was just job searching right now for my strongest area. I had asked MQ 4 years ago if I could train in another area...one lady did listen a ways back, but then I was switched CCMs so that stopped right there. Didn't get to do too much.

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