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Melenotic is not a real word.
Melanotic refers to dark skin and tissue pigmentation.
Melenic refers to dark tarry (from blood) stool.
Documented in any medical dictionary.
that's why I love this board! Thanks OH MT - ddd
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Thank you, thank you....you made me break out my dusty old dictionary....and your right!
I recently typed a consult letter for a gastroenterologist. This was the impression:
Impression: Nausea and vomiting with questionable tarry stools, possibly melena.
He sent the consult back to me to make corrections. These corrections were handwritten on the original consult.
Impression: Nausea and vomiting with melanotic stool.
Now....I know I'm not nuts and I know I'm not stupid, and I KNOW that melena pertains to blood in the stool and ...
"She is describing a recent change in bowel habits with fluffy, floaty stools."
Could that be right? I can't even picture what a "fluffy" stool would look like!
I have never been able to run much above 150 lph average doing VR for my company. It is so horrid, I can usually type it quicker. I cannot even imagine how anybody is doing 400-500 lph average. Just pulling in the jobs, listening through patient information, filling in date of service, consulting physicians and such, fixing the ASR dictation and uploading the job -- there is no way on this earth it will ever happen at my company. I need a new job apparently. ...
Is it just me or my region but the only difference I have seen in the upgrade is the doctor's data base and being able to number with the numbering function. I have yet to see the headings column come up on the left with a job or have the option on the top that says "type headings as dictated." When I try to use the alt-H for inserting headers it it is still coming up in the middle of the screen and it is not showing, "client preferred headings." Pretty much anything that ...
treated as such. If you do nothing to change a bad situation, the bad situation will never change. But I guess some, like my DS, thrive on the drama of poor me, I can do nothing to help myself, please feel sorry for me. And others, like me, hate drama, hate being treated bad, and refuse to stand by and let it continue. I will not let a MTSO rule my life to the point of draining my bank account, monopolizing my time and stomping on my self esteem. Why would I stay in a situation ...
CEO, COO, President, etc., came to you and said that management was taking a pay cut along with you? Has anyone ever been told that their office staff or other support personnel have been doing without raises or taking pay cut with the bad economy? Do they have mandatory reduction in hours when things are slow as there is no money coming in?
I'm just curious how much the nature of the beast affects everybody in a company versus the MTs and what the reasoning is. Why ...
What is the difference between being an independent contractor, subcontractor and employee in medical transcription. I'm now PT employee at MQ and looking. Which would be the best status to be searching for? Hope someone can help me understand this. Thanks. ...
What would be the difference in being a coder in a physician's clinic, insurance company, mental health facility or home health facility. Which setting would provide the most interesting work, the easiest, the least time-consuming? ...
Hadn't used New version all that long (months?) before we switched back to Native. I honestly do not see a difference between the two besides native having an ugly font. Clue me in as to why the switch back, and what's the difference? Thanks. ...
Procyte and Prosight
I know that Prosight is a multivitamin. I found both on WebMD's drugs and meds A-Z. There was no information on Procyte. It was just listed as Procyte Top. I was not aware that there was a Procyte until earlier today. The doctor dictated "And be careful you use the correct one, but I am unsure of the spelling." That confused me a bit, so I did some research and the only place that I found any mention of Procyte was on WebMD. An ...
Job hunting -:( not fun. I see some places paying 8 and 4 cpl, seems to be the going rate but my question is - some places are IC and some have employee status. Other than the obvious benefits, why would you want to be an IC? I was self-employed with my husband years ago and it was a nightmare. Had to pay $5000 for self-employment tax just to begin with. Thanks for any info ! ...
Hey everyone, I am in the process of applying for a home based MT position, but i am wondering what the difference is between Tier 2 & 3. Thanks so much for any assistance you all can offer! ...
I've only done straight transcription in the past and just got hired by a company who apparently does both SR and transcription...can anyone give me info on their experiience as far as if I will make the same amount doing editing for SR as I would transcribing? Looking at 0.04 cpl is a bit dauntiing. I type really fast and it almost seems like I could straight transcribe a dictation at 0.08 cpl as fast as I could edit one at 0.04...just wondering about anyone else's experie ...
scheduler person if we throw on a load of laundry while we stretch our legs?!? We are allowed to stand up and stretch for god's sake! The only thing she needs to worry about is our number of lines at the end of the day and if we worked our schedule. That's literally all that matters. Is it some kind of power/control trip? Before, she said we're not supposed to take off and use PTO to go to the doctor, though of course it's okay for them to do tha ...
What would be the difference in taking a Medical Coding Program such as Andrews or AHIMA offers, versus taking THIS BELOW that Herzing offers. I see Herzing says Insurance coding.
So career wise, what is really the difference between being a Coder and an insurance coder? Is there any difference in the job, the pay, etc?
I have a Pell grant and you see, Andrews and AHIMA do not accept it.
from Herzing Online University
Medical Billing and Insurance Coding - Overview
Med ...
I am just wondering if most companies pay less per line if you work part time. I have recently talked with my supervisor about possibly going part time (600 lines per day), and she told me if I chose to go part time, my pay per line would go down to 6 cpl from 7. I can't imagine making less per line than I already do. My skill level and quality will not decrease, so why would my pay? ...
I'm new at Nuance. I see the QC and QA percentage on my time sheet. I understand QA but what is the QC? Wondering because I know this is what determines if and how much your bonus is. Thanks! ...