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I wasn't sure if I should be using commas here - punctuation

Posted: Apr 18, 2010

I wasn't sure if I should be using commas here and make this one long sentence, or if it is correct as is...also, I wasn't sure if "forward flex" is correct. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Physical exam revealed that he can forward (flex) about 60 degrees.  He can abduct to maybe 70 degrees.  He has virtually no rotation. "Physical exam revealed that he can forward flex about 60 degrees.  He can abduct to maybe 70 degrees.  He has virtually no rotation." Then it goes onto the next paragraph.  I appreciate any input! Thanks!

I would... - rqCMT

[ In Reply To ..]
"Forward flex" is correct. Personally, I would punctuate the sentence like this, "Physical exam revealed that he can forward flex about 60 degrees, he can abduct to maybe 70 degrees. He has virtually no rotation." That is just my personal preference, but the way that you have it with the periods is correct also.

How about this? - punctuation

[ In Reply To ..]
After she says "forward flex" it sounds like she says something else before "about". Would the sentence work if she said, "...he can forward flex to about 60 degrees..." or is it more probable that she stumbled before saying about?

That looks perfectly fine - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
The way you have it looks perfectly fine and yes, "forward flex" would be correct.

I do disagree with rqCMT though, because it would be incorrect to put a comma like that in between the "...about 60 degrees, he can abduct to..."

These are two independent clauses. So as the OP did, separating them into 2 different sentences is fine (and also the way that I would do it).

If you want to combine these two clauses into the same sentence, you either need to use a semicolon, or add in a combining term like "and":

"Physical exam revealed that he can forward flex about 60 degrees; he can abduct to maybe 70 degrees. He has virtually no rotation."


"Physical exam revealed that he can forward flex about 60 degrees, and he can abduct to maybe 70 degrees. He has virtually no rotation."

I see what you're saying - rqCMT

[ In Reply To ..]
I think you are probably right. It does appear that periods are a better choice in this situation. I was looking at it as a list of symptoms rather than 2 independent clauses, but being that the third idea seems to be separate, it probably isn't a list. Thanks for setting me straight :) I think sometimes I love commas a little too much, LOL.

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