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Growth Percentile format - MzP131

Posted: Dec 15, 2009

Okay........ now don't laugh at this question.   I recently had to pull up another transcriptionist's report, and came across something I've never seen before.   I couldn't find the formatting this MT used anywhere else, so I am wondering if any of you have.   I always type  "90th percentile", "56th percentile", etc. when peds are talking about growth charts.    This MT typed "90%tile", "53%tile", etc.   Is that actually accurate or even acceptable?


growth percentile...sm - babs

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Now that's funny... :-)

I wouldn't see that as being even close to acceptable. Just me...

WHEW!!! - MzP131

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THANK YOU!!! I've been doing this 17 years now, and I was thinking.......wow, I better get an updated style guide! ;o)

With the change in rules constantly... - babs

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I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the BOS did update it to include that ridiculous term. One reason why I refuse to continue "updating." :-O

BOS 2: percentile - vrvr

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Probability distribution. If a boyâs height is at the â50th percentile,â he is at the same height as 50% of boys his age.

Sometimes it is good to have a copy of the BOS.

Yes, great to have a copy... - babs

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ONE copy, not four or five. ;-)

One copy of BOS 2 and 1 copy of BOS 3 will do!...nm - vrvr

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