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Cancer Classification + "with zero of eight" - orthmt

Posted: Nov 21, 2013

"Pathology from this showed a T2 N0 with zero of eight lymph nodes present cancer."

I understand the T2 N0, but it's the "with zero of eight lymph nodes" part that I am not sure about. Thank you for any information.

See message - Kitty

[ In Reply To ..]
This means that 8 lymphs nodes were biopsied, and none were positive for cancer. This could be shown as "0/8" or "0 of 8" or "zero of eight" depending on client preference. If it were me, I would go with 0/8.

Thank you for the clarification - OP

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you for the explanation with it! I appreciate it a lot.

Cancer Classification - minnie

[ In Reply To ..]
T2 N0 with 0 out of 8 lymph nodes present with cancer. Or, you could write it 0/8.

Thank you - OP

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you for the help!

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