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classification help - HLS_newbie

Posted: Aug 20, 2011




Garden III fracture, femoral neck.



Garden III fracture, femoral neck.



Percutaneous insertion of 3 cannulated titanium screws.



The fracture was known to relatively stable preoperatively, and the 3 titanium screws were inserted percutaneously, using 2-sleeve technique over a guidewire. Fluoroscopic control was utilized. Blood loss was essentially nil, as the procedure was done through a ¾ inch skin incision. The wound was closed with 3-0 Dexon. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was awake almost immediately. The patient returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.





So this is the report I heard. There is no more audio. I am not violating any privacy issues because this report is from my college MT3 course. Please help if you can. What do I put under procedure?

Yes, but isn't this for a test? - nm

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You need to address your question - to

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your instructors. That's what you're paying them for.

When you are finished with your training and are working, then you can come here for help.

WHAT? Tell me you're a moderator; no tell me - IMANMT2

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you're NOT a moderator. And if you're not who do you THINK you are? MT police?

You OBVIOUSLY have been out of school for a while or never went. Instructors at rip-off MT training sites/schools/colleges usually don't know the first thing about MT they try to "teach"/get-money-from unsuspecting people/would-be students.

Have you heard of the new HIT-Pro test at Hitpro.org? 6 month juco class, take the test (for free?) then bammo you get one of the newly created 50,000 HIT-Pro jobs out there just WAITING to be had. I think it stands for health information tech, the "industry's"
answer to the rush to convert to EMR.

Uh-huh. Wonder how much it costs.

STILL, asking these questions are not allowed here. - (sm) anonMT

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I took her post as informative to a newbie. What was posted is the simple truth. This site is not for students to ask their (test/homework) questions - it's for on-the-job help when research fails, or you just cannot get that accent.

Simple as that.

I don't understand. If the audio cuts off here, - what could you SM

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possibly type? Dictation ends here?

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