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I have a patient with sleep apnea and the doctor states the pateint will need a "break" CPAP at home. The only other thing it sounds like is a "brick" CPAP. I don't think it's either, but definitely not brick. I've done an extensive Google search so danged many times today with all of the crappy docs I've had, and I am so sick of Google, I could just about rip my computer off my desk and smash it against the wall. Either that, or Google is going to start charging me by the search, using my IP address. (gratuitous eye roll). What they ought to do is start charging these crappy doctors who either: A) Have too horrible of an accident to speak decent English or B) Are American and too lazy to enunciate their words. I hope I'm not out of line when I do this but when I get a really really great dictator, I'll put a note in there thanking him or her for being such a great dictator and telling them how much I appreciate their dictation and how much easier they make my job. I've seen a few others here who do it.
Anyway, does anyone have an alternative word for that CPAP? I can't see either break or brick working for a CPAP machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much! I certainly hope you're all having a better day than me. A very good friend of mine died the other night and I am definitely not in the mood to put up with crappy dictators when I have a funeral to go to tonight. He was elderly and it was his time, but he and his elderly wife took care of their grandkids (now 16 and 18) because the daughter (mother of the 2 boys) decided they were too much of a burden (the oldest is autistic) and the wife is not holding up well and she is just the dearest soul. I am a huge believer in Karma. The mother of the boys is up from South Carolina to here in Ohio. I never wish anything bad on anyone (except maybe Michael Vick, Osama Bid Ladin and all terrorists who wish us harm) but I do believe that people get what is coming to them.
Sorry to go off subject.