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? material left in colon - cp

Posted: Mar 15, 2011

It s/l vegtelant!!!

....poor with large amount of (___) material throughout the colon that could not be suctioned.

Any ideas?! 


"vegetate", maybe (nm) - Hi there!

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omg, doubt that. - small message

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Not even a good guess and if you are guessing please stop before you hurt someone....iike the patient.

If not guessing - explain your reasoning, I'm curious.

not a guess... - Hi there!

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1. To grow or sprout as a plant does.
2. Pathology: To grow in size or spread abnormally.

"Curious" isn't the word I'd use.
so youre saying large amount of 'to grow or spread' material in the colon - could not be suctioned. Noun here, not verb
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Try re-reading the original post. - Hi there!
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The word in question was used as an adjective for the noun "material".

In other grammatical news, proper contraction of "you are" requires an apostrophe.
sorry...do not agree with you. Never will. - read the sentence not the S/L NM
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...not as you justified it. - NM
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have to agree - sm

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Vegetate is a verb. The blank calls for an adjective.

Feculent - Olive

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does the c s/l a c or s? - cp

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He could be slurring or saying it wrong but it s/l he has an s in the word. So it would be like fesulent.

vegetable material - cec

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vegetable material (this is used by pathologists in gross descriptions of colon)
thank you ICManiac! good common sense. - 37 years rad
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is it a pathology report? on all imaging studies you cannot tell what type of food it in there. - just saying
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agree - cec

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If it is a colonoscopy, would have to agree with feculent.

it is a colonoscopy - cp

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I am going to send it in with a flag. I should know tomorrow what it is. I will post back!

Thank you all!

then its not a vegetable! - anon

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Not Known! - cp

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I sent this to my boss with a flag, and she couldn't tell what it was either! It will now go to the doctor. I don't know if he will report the correct word back to me.

Thank you.

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