A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Speech Recognition - Production question - Skroe

Posted: Oct 06, 2011

I have a job offer but it includes speech recognition editing.  I have never done this before.  Could someone tell me typically how many lines per hour on average you can edit, so I have a basis on whether or not income-wise this would make sense to do?  Also, what is the going rate for speech recognition editing, line rate?

Oh, my goodness, Skroe. The answers cover such a broad range. - I hope you have been reading the

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archives for answers. Pay rates range from about 3 cpl to about 7 cpl. Some companies provide raw reports that require very little editing, ergo the low cpl rate, some a great deal of editing, ergo the many complaints that reports could have been transcribed faster. Reasonable LPH targets range from maybe 250 to 700--depending.

I hope you see that you really need to find out from your prospective employer what editors are producing on the accounts you'll be working.

With experience and using your expander and possibly other programs to speed you up, you can expect to get significantly faster over time. Posts here and elsewhere offer tips on what's working for others.

It may be best to go for it, in any case, or find a job that will allow you to do both transcription and editing. You are now well behind the trend and need to develop this skill if you are to stay in this field. Best wishes.

Speech Recognition Production - cr

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I just started doing SR about 5 months ago, but I'm still not doing very well. There are so many little details that need correction and often the print doesn't even match the dictated words and have to be typed out. I just can't imagine how others are claiming to put out a zillion lines per hour hour with SR and still turning out decent reports. It's not bad if you get good, clear-speaking doctors, but that's not usually the case. I'm just keeping my head above water and will never make more than minimum wage, if that.

Speech Recognition - Production question - Skroe

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Thank you for your very honest reply. This is kind of how I am anticipating it would be for me as well.

When I answered first, I did not mention the - tremendous factor

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factor attitude is in all this. Some decide to get good enough to continue to make a decent income, or better. Others effectively decide to fail by not doing what they need to to take care of themselves.

Strongly recommend you do not align yourself with those who are not making it, but rather commit yourself to benefiting from the advice generously posted by those who are.

And if you hate learning don't bother thinking of going elsewhere, unless it's floor sweeper at Arby's or motel maid. There is no decent-paying field where people do not have to continually learn and upgrade their skills if they're going to keep their jobs. That is just the way it IS.

CR, you too. Past time to figure out what you need to do to make more money next week and yet more the week after. That would include eventually moving to a new company if you're still not pulling in at least $30K a year after you become a good editor.
People don't mind - sm
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learning new skills as long as they are paid fairly. Half the pay for doing pretty near the same amount of work is not fair pay. I know there are a lot of factors, but I have had very clear speaking doctors and I can still type it just as fast. Another fact is that SR is good for slow typists, not fast typists. I have read this in several articles and experienced it myself. If you are a fast typist, you will lose money with SR, no matter how good it is. If you are a slower typist, you might make out a bit better.
Agree SR is definitely, shockingly underpaid--pretty much - throughout the industry now. BUT,
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that's why good competent pros who used to make $50K are now making $35K, or $40K to 30K.

It is NOT the biggest reason some people are making minimum wage--and even less. To figure that one out, people need to look at themselves to figure out what they're doing wrong and what's working for others that they are not doing.

Most MTs moving to SR have no formal training handed to them with orders to do this, do that. That means we have to do it for ourselves, including figuring out what we need to do and working smart. Some meet this challenge and succeed, some clearly have not.

Hundreds of posts here over the past few years have shown that over and over. There are still people out there who barely use their expander, if they have one at all. Some are actually refusing to try at all, adopting the notion that they're entitled to be taken care of by employers who have betrayed them. Not their fault they're going broke--they're just hapless victims.

For all of us, it takes real work, real sustained effort, and time, to get good enough to still pay the bills on this shabby pay. It's definitely doable, but NOT by those whose poor attitude is only confirmed by the initial lack of competence that comes with learning any new job.

Skroe and CR need to beware of self-fulfilling prophecies and just plan to do what it takes to get good. As so many of us have. Yet again I ask, what do we have that you don't that you can't, or won't, join us?

sm, I also totally agree with your experience regarding fast typists, etc. I believe I was actually the first person on this forum some years ago now to post that experience--first from one direction, then the other. As a naturally fumble-finger typist, I initially loved SR because I could be better at it. Then, becoming a very early, very enthusiastic adopter of expanders, I became a "fast" typist and thus one of the high-producing MTs who were harder hit as more and more work moved to SR.

BTW, Skroe and CR, I still work every day at getting that speed up, some days more than others, some weeks and even months only struggling to climb out of an earnings hole some change tossed me in, but still--every day.
VR is only - sm
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good for the customer and the big shots. the worker bees suffer a lot. There is no excuse for paying the worker bees half the pay for doing as much worse. I realize that some people say they make out good with VR, but those are far and few between and we don't know their circumstances. Maybe if they had to type those reports they would see how much they are losing. Maybe they have excellent VR dictators, which in my opinion still is not good. VR is just a con for companies to make bigger money while taking from their employees.
I totally agree, especially when you're spending more time correcting VR - than you would have spent typing
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The VR I've worked on doesn't get half of what is being said, and no amount of shortcuts or advice on how to be productive is going to speed anyone up when you're having to make corrections in almost every sentence. So, less pay per line and more work equals a huge cut in income! Of course the MTSO doesn't have to worry because they have 100 other girls doing the work and bringing in their money!!!
Nonsense, SM. That's like calling the typewriter a - plot by bigshots to abuse clerks who
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worked so hard to develop beautiful handwriting. SR is just another tool for getting the work done.

It's critically important to understand that our problem is UNDERPAYMENT for the work we do. Otherwise, instead of fighting for equitable pay, too many will squander all their outrage badmouthing SR and kicking at foreign-born dictators and end up with nothing but rage and unpaid bills.
YES! Great post. Couldnt' have said it better myself. - nm
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That seems to be what I am hearing across the board, lack of pay - for VR. Everyone is shouting about it
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EXCELLENT POST! I could have written it myself. - see message
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I was one of those top producers in straight transcription. Effectively using my expander and keyboard shortcuts, I used to rake in $70K a year. Now on SR I only make $50K a year. Still a HUGE pay cut and hard to live on with a sudden drop in pay for $20K a year, BUT still a very decent respectable wage and not at all unobtainable by everyone out there. I average about 400 lph editing and used to type 300 lph straight typing. I KNOW I can still increase my editing lph as I get better at the navigation shortcuts on the keyboard, but I've only been editing for a little less than a year and I will get better at it. I may never make $70K a year ago, but I think I can get it back up to $60K a year again.

LISTEN to this poster and have a positive can-do attitude and you WILL succeed. All the pessimism and negative attitudes on this board are creating a lot of their own problems. They are self-defeating themselves before they even get started.
Sorry - sm
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You can be positive if you want. I am positive these companies are ripping me off. I don't need nor do I want a software program to produce a bunch of garbage that I have to edit. I prefer to type it myself. Again, if you like VR, good for you. I don't and never will like it. They have been producing this software for many years and it is no better than it was when it first came out, whether a company tells me that or not. It's called marketing.
You are so right. The purpose of VR is for the physician to train it - until it knows that
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phyician to a T and then the physician himself has very little editing to accomplish a clean report. The way the MTSO use VR is just ridiculous as the VR doesn't learn the physician because the physician doesn't sit down and train the VR to their voice. I doubt that the MTSOs are putting those corrected reports back through the VR system so that it learns the physicians. That would take time which means less money for the MTSO, and no amount of correction from the MT on a hard copy is ever going to train the VR unless it has the voice to hear along with the corrections. VR is supposed to cut out the middle man altogether, the MT, but of course it will not because the MTSO will never train the VR to each individual physician, so I guess that means job security for those who like working for peanuts and stressing out because they cannot make any money from VR.
SM, you need to underand what is happening - with SR, which can be excellent. SM
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It's pretty much as UntilItKnows says.

Initially, physicians were trained to work with SR, but that takes time and investment. Plus, too many just weren't good enough to put through SR to get that good report it's capable of producing. With the combination of potential offshoring and this recession/depression (which is hitting already beleaguered hospitals bad too), though, providers found they could send poor-quality SR to MTSOs for editing AND demand lower fees for cleaning it up--or take their business elsewhere. Thus, many hospitals no longer try to train their physicians, MTSOs are glad to get their crummy, inadequate reports, and we find ourselves "editing" this stuff for peanuts, unable or afraid to quit and go elsewhere when so many are out of work.

Once again, "It's the money, stupid." Stop kicking the machine and start kicking the company. By leaving the field. Editors saying "I won't work for this money" and walking away is the ONLY thing that will fix this.
Not sure - sm
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if you're calling me stupid or not, but I'm not stupid.

It is a scam, whether you want to believe it or not. Aren't you being scammed every time you do a report in VR? Are you doing VR? If you are, then maybe you better rethink who is stupid. I won't do it. If you're not doing it, then good for you. If the time comes that I can no longer type my reports, then I will be outta here. I won't be scammed.
No, I'm not calling you stupid. That's a common saying - people use to motivate themselves. But NO,
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SR is not a scam. It's a good system that mechanizes the stupid manual job of typing, and high time too. And we're not being scammed, we are being UNDERPAID--right out in the open, no fraud involved.

The time WILL come and soon when you do have to edit or "be outta here." I hope you do stand up for your principles and have put yourself in a position where you CAN leave the field when you are faced with this choice. In the meantime, definitions for "scam" are just a few keystrokes away.
We'll just agree to disagree - nm
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I would love VR if the pay was in line with the amount of - work to be done, sm
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It is a nice break from typing. I'm not the original poster, but I believe that person is meaning that we are being scammed out of money for VR, not the the VR itself is a scam. At least that is what I took it to mean when I read it. There are a lot of companies paying 3 cents a line for VR, when in reality the time spent is worth more than 3 cents a line. I loved doing QA and going over transcriptionist reports, but there is a difference in editing a transcriptionist's report and the VR. Most transcription jobs I have edited were about 98-99% accurate. The VR just seems to spit out a bunch of garbage.
To me - sm
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I would rather type. Yes, we are being scammed out of money and if the pay were better people would not mind it so much. For me though, I think it is one of those things that were invented to make the job easier but really doesn't. They claim that we should be able to do the work twice as fast with the VR, that is their reasoning for cutting our pay in half; yet, even with the best VR, I can type it pretty much as fast. So, If they raise the rate for VR to a fair rate, why use it? Again, it is just a scam, a get-rich scheme that these software companies are pushing on people. The only thing is that they are the only ones getting rich off it.
"learning a new job" Most transcriptionists are capable of doing VR - without having to learn anything,sm
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It doesn't take any specialized training to do VR. If you can type it, you can read it. It's that simple. It isn't a matter of learning the VR that has people livid over VR. It's the amount of time and effort put into the VR and the reward at the end. Excuse me, the lack of reward at the end!!
That's what I thought until more and more skilled MTs - were claiming
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they were going broke, making minimum wage, not making minimum wage, etc. When others working for the same company are earning literally twice as much for the same hours put in, there's something else going on.

Probably a lot of something elses put together, actually. I once watched someone, a good fast typist, transcribe a report, THEN go back through the whole thing to put in the dictation. It was the way she'd always done it, and she said her system worked well for her. Sure--she was paid hourly. I imagine she's been driven out of the field by now, but if not--she cannot make a living at editing.

Someone else was a rather slow reader when I sat next to her as a newbie and she'd check over my reports. I wish I thought she was doing well at editing these days, but I don't see how she could be.

Of course, these examples are mostly about talent for the work, but even people with the talent they need aren't going to do well if they don't think in terms of why commas go where they do and tend to slow down to see if it seems right after it's gone in, haven't yet learned to scan documents quickly, haven't yet started making macros to do the corrections for them, etc. It's not about being able to edit at all, but about editing quickly.
All of the claims take time, so more time spent on VR means less - money
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those others earning twice as much may have been making $10 an hour - versus some making $30 and $40
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an hour, which would account for some of the skilled transcriptists complaints. You can't buy a $200,000 home when you're making X amount of dollars and then go down in pay to Y amount of dollars and maintain the same home. So if you were making $50 thousand and above and have gone down to $30,000 to $40,000, it's going to effect whether you can maintain the same lifestyle. In some instances just keep your home. Some transcriptionists don't have a second income coming into the home to help pay bills. Their income is it.
True. But note those can still afford A home. - They are survivors. NM
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Not sure what that is saying about those who lost their income - to VR, sm
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I'm sure they are trying to survive as well. What gets me is all this talk about the transcriptionist being inadequate in this field with VR. That's the biggest bunch of crap I have ever heard. I can do VR and make 450 lines or more an hour. I still am not making what I used to make. Like others voicing their opinion, I'm just trying to state my own frustration with the lack of pay that I personally have experienced from VR. One person may be fine with making $15 an hour. I haven't made that in years. Therefore, my lifestyle reflects the income I was producing at one point in time. I'm still surviving, but personal losses had to be taken for that. I don't know of one person who wouldn't complain about losing their income.
You have hit the nail on the head. Most of the typist complaining - about VR are not complaining
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because they cannot do the work, or learn the work, or learn shortcuts, or whatever someone else has decided is the reason the typist complaining cannot make money. They simply cannot make money on VR because there is too much editing to do. I certainly don't like making 20-30 thousand a year less for basically doing the SAME JOB that you were being paid more money for. It isn't that big of a jump from typing to editing.
30K a year and working more hours is just the incentive everyone needs, - nm
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To leave the field? One hopes. Put the rage where it - belongs--on the inadequate pay. NM
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Your posts have certainly been the theme throughout - this thread, noted and agree
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SR production for CR - Webber

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Have you checked out the VR board on this site for suggestions to help you improve with speech? I know that it depends a lot on the engine that you are working with and you don't have any control over that, but there are things that you can do to make it go faster and be more productive. Try to make some macros to correct all the little things for you. For example, if your physical exam is always typed in paragraph form without the subheadings, create a macro that will correctly format the subheading and place it on the next line for you. Create macros to place a period and captilize the first letter of the next sentence, place a comma and delete a period when there are 2 sentences when there should only be one, etc. Look for patterns of errors that the VR engine makes and create macros to correct those same errors. For example, on one of my accounts one doctor always says Continue xx for xxx and VR will always type Continue xx . 4. xx. I made a macro that will take out the extraneous periods and change the 4 to for as it should be. If the dictators are doing a numbered list and VR types out "Next number." instead of putting in numbers, create a macro that will allow you to quickly get rid of the "next number" and autonumber the list for you. You have to start thinking outside the box to figure out how to make things go faster and increase your production. It will take a little bit more time and effort in the beginning, but it will be well worth it in the end. It will be easier if you have the same doctors frequently because VR will tend to make the same errors for them and you can create macros to create those mistakes.

speech recognition production - cr - nina

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It will eventually get better. It takes a while to get used to it, then you have to start building your speed. I've been doing SR for over 5 years and I just recently got to the point where I'm making good money (at least in my world anyway). It doesn't happen overnight, just like anything new, there is a learning process and it sometimes takes a year or so to get where you are comfortable with the program.

5 years is a long time to be without the income you need - sm

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My experience with straight typing is a couple of weeks to get up to par to make the income I need from listening to new physicians or being on a new program. I would give it a couple of months, and then be hanging up my hat with the prospect of losing my house because it might take me 5 years to build up my speed to make good money. My issue with VR has never been the program. It has always been the excessive corrections and time that has to be spent on documents that I am being paid less and less money for.
You got that right! - nm
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By the way, what an insult to transcriptionists to make - any one of them think, sm

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there is some special training needed to be successful at VR. We have all had the training. We've been typing for years!! Don't let someone tell you because you're not make as much money on VR, that you're doing something wrong. That's just the way VR is. It will never make you the money you made on straight typing (because your being paid less and working just as hard and sometimes even harder). Unless of course none of your documents need to have corrections made to them.

I think someone negative is posting and then posting agreements to themselves. - sm

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Funny how there's no activity for a day or for hours and then all of a sudden there's a flurry of new negative posts, all in the same general tone and style of writing, and all agreeing with each other.

Yes, VR may be more difficult to make money on, but if you are with a company that does it right, it is not a scam, ripoff, or whatever else you want to call it. Almost every industry in the nation is struggling right now and people are taking pay cuts and adjusting and changing to keep their jobs. That's just America right now. If you thing being an MT is any different you're delusional. We all have to adapt and change. It may not be the best thing and it may not be "fair" but that's how it is. You can complain and spend your day being negative or you can adapt, see it in the best possible light, and do your best. There is NO way somebody cannot make minimum wage editing VR, no matter how bad it is, and have the problem be with the MTSO, unless they're just not getting enough work. If you have enough work and you're not making minimum wage, you need to take a good long look in the mirror and make a major attitude change, because minimum wage is not even remotely hard. Get rid of the distractions. Turn off the phone, the radio, the TV. Take the kids to daycare of have a relative watch them during your shift. Do not answer the door if someone knocks on it. Pretend you are in a real office and that you are not home to answer the door or the phone or to take care of the kids. If you have no distractions and you're still not making minimum wage, you're in the WRONG business. I don't mean that to be rude or mean, but I'm just being honest.

Now as far as the VR goes, if all the reports you're getting are so bad that you could just retype it faster, you're with the wrong company. There are companies out there that effectively use their VR and don't let drafts out if the editor can't get at least 75-80% of it, and if it doesn't they get forced into a blank document to type. I can guarantee though, if you hire on with one of these companies and have the whole "it's a scam" and "VR sucks" attitude, you won't make it past the 90 day probation period, so I suggest some major attitude changes.

Before you go screaming about how I'm management or a "suit," no I am not. I am just an MT turned MLS who is making the best I can out of what I've been handed, and instead of focusing on what they're "taking away" from me, I'm grateful to have a job and focus instead on what they ARE offering me and put the rest of my destiny in my own hands.

Fire away negative people. I'm happy, I love this field despite taking a small pay cut in the switch to VR, and I don't really care if you call me a liar. I know I'm not and I'm happy with my lot in life and I AM making a good solid income as an MLS. It doesn't matter to me whether you believe me or not, but I'm just offering that your destiny is in your own hands to so speak. Do with it what you will.

My posts were in reply to the other posts, not to myself - nm

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mine too - nm

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Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh. :-) - nm
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We certainly need it around here.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - sm
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I think people giving their own views and personal experiences is a good thing for those looking for answers. Quite frankly, I thought I was in the boat alone with not being able to accomplish what I needed to with VR, but see that I am not and that certainly makes me as a transcriptionist strugging to come to terms with the loss of pay and the feeling of self-worth feel much better knowing that I am not alone.

How is that 75%-80% calculated? - Bilboa

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Does that mean it gets 4 out of 5 words correct, or does it mean 1 error or fewer per 4-5 lines (which is how we're audited at my employer, anyway), or is it calculated some other way entirely?

I'm in the process of learning DocQSpeech, and it MIGHT get 4 out of 5 words correct -- I'd have to count errors on a few reports, which would take a long time! However, I don't think it's doing much better than that, anyway. So is, say, 1 word wrong per 4-5 correct normal, and I should expect to get back up to and well above my typing line count eventually -- or is DocQSpeech especially bad VR software?

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Tricks To Faster Speech Recognition Editing?
Aug 14, 2011

I have been straight transcribing for many moons. Then got into doing QA and a lot of the reports I get are straight editing of speech recognition rather than doing QA. My production stinks when I do straight editing and have no idea how those of you that edit speech recognition all day make a living. Kudos to YOU! I am one of the probably few QA who really appreciates you MT's who make our jobs easier and do AMAZING jobs transcribing what I can't even QA. Thank you for your hard work ...

Speech Recognition - Contemplating A Position At MModal
Sep 07, 2012

Hello:  I am contemplating a position at MModal.  I understand a lot of the work is speech recognition.  Can anyone fill me in on what program you use, is it quick, does it learn to correct mistakes made over and over by a doctor, and do you think you can make $ with a big percentage of SR reports?  I understand the pay is less than straight transcription.  Many thanks in advance for your opinions.  ...

No Worries About Speech Recognition Taking Our Jobs
Jul 25, 2014

Just a note to all you frustrated MTs who think speech recognition is going to take away all our jobs.  I just had a job today that interpreted general appearance as genital warts!!  When listening, the doctor did obviously say general appearance.  So fear not, I think there will always be a place for MTs in the future!! ...

Average Line Counts On An 8-hour Shift Doing Speech Recognition?
Sep 23, 2011

What are the average line counts on an 8-hour shift doing speech recognition?  I use Dictaphone/Extext.  I'm producing on average about 240/hr sometimes less. Any info appreciated. ...

Nuance: Speech Recognition Versus Transcription Line Counts
May 13, 2012

As I was working today I thought about speech versus transcription, and it occurred to me that I was transcribing a good deal in each speech report I "edited." Why is transcription done for a full report paid any differently than transcription done in a speech report? In other words, why don't I get paid my transcription line count for the characters I am transcribing in a speech report, particularly since a great deal of these speech reports require almost re-transcribing completely due to ...

First IPhone App To Convert Audio File To Text By Speech Recognition
Aug 22, 2013

I have created the first app on iPhone which can dictate the audio file in multiple size and format into text by speech recognition.In addition, the app can record your voice by 1 hour that help to improve the speed to input .The app link is shown below:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/downright-transcription/id687650485?mt=8The website is shown below:downrighttranscript.appspot.com ...

A New Low For Speech "recognition"
Dec 05, 2011

I think things are getting worse, not better.  Big surprise!!    "History of suicide."  is what was on the report to be edited.  The doctor said "He was treated with Zosyn."  How scary is that?  Not even close. ...