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I am so sick of the shabby quality of the ASR and - dnr

Posted: Jan 22, 2011

inordinate amount of time it takes to correct. We should be paid 20-30% more rather than 40% less to fix this pile of poop.

I'll tell you what. I did MQ ASR for about 3 years - meinKY

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and lost so much money that I finally had to quit, just very recently... I now work for a new company who also uses ASR, but guess what, they don't take all docs, just the ones that are acceptable. This makes a HUGE difference. Also whatever software they are using veruss MQ's software is so much better! You scroll through the report and make very small changes. Talking in the background isn't picked up. Doc's saying um, um, um isn't picked up. It doesn't throw in crazy words. If I doesn't know what is being said at all, it puts an UNRECOGNIZED mark in the report, which you might see ONCE for every FOUR reports or so.

I'm telling you, MQ's ASR is TRASH compared to my new job.

I agree with you more than you'll ever know!!!!!

Would love to know - tired MT

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The name of your company, if you'd be willing to share it with me privately via email.

My current company's ASR is horrible. If a report draft is 75% correct it's considered acceptable to be designated an ASR job, so in any given report I'm editing 25% of its content. It omits perfectly clear words/phrases, inserts phrases that are not there, etc. It is, for lack of a better description, a hot mess.

I dont care what company you work for, what is - the platform they use? nm

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ASR - sm

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I have been bashed for saying this, but if you put in a ticket for a certain dictator with a few examples, they will review and if under, I believe 80% or 85%, they will remove that doctor. I have done this several times, one very recently, and they do remove them. I have been told by people on here that I am a horrible person for suggesting this and I should work with the ASR. Those people can keep losing money if they want to, but I refuse to lose money for ridiculous ASR.

I have probably had 7 or 8 doctors removed and my job is so much better. It takes about a week or so to be removed, but they will either remove them or tell you that they are over the percentage and can't be removed. I have never recommended on be removed and not had it removed. You can kind of tell what the certain doctor's percentage is by doing reports on them. Again, send doctor's name, ADP number, hospital/clinic and a couple examples. It really does work.

I would suggest even if you work for a different company besides MQ, let your quality people know certain doctors are in need of removal from the system.

I have done that with some doctors, unfortunately - dnr

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most of them are the ones that fit their "acceptable quality" of ASR. There have been some that I have said the heck with it and F11 because I have spent too much time typing in a document having what they call "acceptable ASR".

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