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Posted: Nov 30, 2010

I have found a trojan horse that is downloaded into our computers everytime we log into a job on ExText at DTS.  I thought at first it might have been in my computer but, then had them download into a new computer and it was there again.  I have protection from viruses, spyware and malware on my computer but, there was only one program that found the trojan horse.  It is called trojan.goldun.  Look it up, it can transmit all your personal information into whoever has put it there.  It's path is under ExText application settings.  There is only one spyware remover that will take it out from a safe website.  Go to download.com, look for Spyware Expert.  This will remove it.  This software is very quick to run, approximately 2 to 3 minutes.  Let me remind it is not a permanent fix.  Every single that you log off ExText and then, pull up another job, you have to run it again to get rid of it.  I believe that they have sold the information gathered because I experienced an abundance of junk and spam even before holidays.  I have no idea how long they been doing this.  Look up trojan horse info on the internet, you won't be happy. 

Which DTS? - Former DTS OK

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DTS Tro Horse - Sammie

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It didn't come from any particular office, it came from the techs who download the programs into your computer. It's in the ExText program itself. It's in the applications section of the ExText program download

It May have been on your machine to begin with - nn

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You may have had this before. I have Stopzilla running in the background as well as Malwarebytes -- I worked for DTS-OK and never had a problem.
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As I stated I had brand new computer when they I had them download ExText for a second time. I didn't know it was there until I downloaded Spyware Expert. It is the only spyware program that found it, and keeps finding it. Run that program and I bet you find it in your computer too.
Reply to youir message -- Sammie - nn
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Sammie, my significant other was here for the weekend and the power supply on his laptop took a "dump." He purchased a new desktop computer Friday (which he needed anyway), brought it here and ran Stopzilla, which he has had for years on his various computers and which I now have on mine. My point is, when you run a scan on a brand NEW computer, yes you are going to see viruses etc, until you get the appropriate programs up and running. I NEVER once when I worked for DTS-OK had problems with viruses and if I did, I ran Stopzilla at night, and cleared them off the next morning. To me, sounds like there were other issues involved rather than your computer and as an MT, you should know to have appropriate software on your computer to prevent this kind of thing.
Reply to nn - Sammie
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As I said before the path for the trojan horse is coming through the applications portion of the ExText program itself. I have all the appropriate protection on my computer. By the way, I do not have other issues.
If the trojan is part of the EXText Software, wouldn't that mean - NKC
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it came from Dictaphone -- the makers of the software versus the service that simply purchased the software and end user licenses?

Also, how do we know that your post isn't really a ploy much like those fake security alert websites that tell a person their PC is infected, run our "free" scan now. Then the scan actually downloads tons of very real threats that can only be removed by purchasing the anti-spyware software from the same people that put the threats there to begin with?

Also, I went to download.com and searched for Spyware Expert and found no such software. So what's next -- you'll probably tell me of a different website that has it and that website will be the one that downloads all the threats to my PC.
Respose to posts - nn
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Apparently OP did not understand what I was trying to convey and she is blaming a company, when the fault is her own. If it was DTS-OK (I worked previously for them) it is NOT through their VPN -- the problem lies in the fact that viruses can and DO get through regardless of a VPN client or not. If you are on a VPN client that allows web access then yes, you ARE vulnerable to malware or viruses. I have AVG free, Stopzilla and several other programs that I run before I work and my computer does not give me problems. Also www.kommando.com is an extremely helpful website with a lot of free downloads and tips. You have to to maintainence on a computer like you would a car and not a lot of people understand that -- a new computer even as I mentioned before is going to be "loaded with stuff."
I'm just wondering how this all pans out. I work directly - NKC
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for a hospital on EXText. The hospital supplies the PC that I work on. I connect through a VPN. I do have internet access through the VPN. I have had numerous problems with trojan viruses even while running McAfee which I have learned is s completely impotent software. I do NOT visit "bad" sites where I might inadvertently or unknowingly download viruses. I use Google, this website, and a few other reference sites like WebMD and the AMA site for doctor searches. Also after having had to take my PC into to the IT department to have it worked on, I have completely stopped accessing the internet at all on my work PC because of all the problems and use my personal computer only for any web related searches I need to do throughout my work day. And yet I still have issues.

If there truly is a trojan buried somewhere in the Dictaphone software, then I would be interested in finding that out because of all the problems I have had. I have had problems where I'm working and then all of sudden I can no longer play the voice file. I can depress play on my foot pedal and see the play button highlight on the aduio player on screen, but nothing happens.

It takes me at least 10 tries to open up the Job Lister application as I get repeated error messages saying something about not having the necessary updates. Finally, on the 11th try, the program will run. In the past, I have been able to open it with no problems.

I get repeated dump files when signing off reports requiring me to end ExText via task manager and log back in.

I can no longer add or remove programs. The add/remove window will not populate the list of programs loaded on my PC. My user parameters have not changed in that I am set as the administrator of this PC, so I can modify, add and remove software at my discretion.

I recently was trying to load a new printer. I cannot load it because I get a message that says "RPC server unavailable."

All the above issues started after the IT department installed updates to Dictaphone, i.e. Enterprise Express Editor for doing speech rec. I never had any problems on the older version of ExtText. It seems wtih the updates and upgrades, also came all kinds of problems. So it would make total sense to me if there were some sort of trojan hidden in Dictaphone software somewhere. At least that would be a simple answer to my endless list of problems.

However, I'm not one for conspiracy theories. I'm just desperately looking for the answer to all my troubles.
Response to NKC - Sammie
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Sounds like it is in your computer. That's what made me think in the first place there was something in my computer that I just wasn't catching. Try the Spyware Expert. I added and removed a few programs before one finally found it. Like I said also, everytime you log off and then, log back in and download a job, it's back again. So, when you start a session for the day, after you have downloaded your first job, run the Spyware Expert then get rid of the trojan horse. You can work without it in there. That is until you log off again.
response to NKC - Sammie
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In reading your response more, when you mention that you cannot populate the window to see your programs, etc, that's what a trojan horse is. The window is there, only you can't see it because of the trojan horse. You keep clicking on things, but the window you trying to see will you be visible to you. Sounds like you may have more than one in your computer.

And, for goodness sakes, don't let IT in your computer to "fix" anything; they only make things worse.
many people do not understand and apparently a few dont - nn
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there are various software programs, dictaphone being one that even though unistalled, fragments of that program still remain. You may THINK you have "deleted" that program; when, however, you have not. That is where a tech comes in -- preferably a company tech -- if not you have to go into safe mode, add remove programs and even into files and folders and remove. Your computer is NOT going to blow up and if you have the disks, then you can restore -- might have to reload programs but if you are smart, then you have backup CDs It is called upkeep!!!
response to nn - Sammie
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First of all, it sounds like you don't know a darn about computers and programs. You never delete a program, always uninstall. If you know what you're what your doing, you can completely remove everything to do with a program, files and all without having to make backup disks and go into safe mode.

Second of all, you don't even work for the company I'm talking about, but you sure have a lot to say about nothing.
Well, since my PC is supplied to me by the hospital I work for - NKC
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I wrongly assumed all the "upkeep" should and would be handled by the IT department in the hospital. We are told we cannot load anything on their PC without the permission of IT. We are told to not download any Windows updates and yet they provide us with a PC that automatically downloads Windows updates. Why don't they simply turn that feature off? That's what I had to do rather than continually saying now when asked if I wanted to install the updates.

Last week, I had an IT tech remote into my work PC to see if he could figure out why I'm still having problems after two different techs worked on my PC. I watched everything he did. His opened the "event log" for Dictaphone software and scrolled through various messages. He came to like two full pages of messages that said something like DCOMM ERROR with big red X's next to them. When I asked him what those meant, he said "ah, those all look okay." There were at least 50 of them all from the same date. I don't know how many more there were on other days. When he finished looking at the event log, he conceded that having that many DCOMM errors on one day was unusually, but then he said "nothing looks out of the ordinary to me." WHAT!??!!?!?

So my theory is that the PC belongs to the hospital. If that is the kind of "upkeep" the hospital employs then whatever. I'm not going to be too overly concerned about it. I'm definitely not going PURCHASE any software and do their job for them. I figure eventually my boss will get tired of me having so much downtime because of PC issues, that she will call the IT department and start taking names. The hospital provides our PCs, we're told, for a number reasons with security being the number one. What a joke! God knows how much private information has been hacked from my PC via a spyware attack.

Incidentally, on my personal PC I have Norton 360, Malwarebytes, and Spyware Doctor. I run weekly scans with each software and I have NEVER had any problems with trojans, viruses or spyware.
Reply to NKC - Sammie
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Do you work for DTS? They told you that the hospital supplies the computer?
No, I work for a hospital in my area. I just saw your post - NKC
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about a Trojan hidden in the applications file of ExText and wondered if maybe it wasn't more of a Dictaphone problem than a DTS problem since I've been having such nightmarish problems for a while now.

Response to nn again... - Sammie
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Okay, I do not have a problem with the company. I never said it was through VPN, did I? Read, read, read.... Again, it is when you access ExText and download a job. It is in their software. It is not on my computer at any other time, repeat no other time. I have AVG. I have Malwarebytes. I have SuperSpyware and also I also have the Spy Expert. That enough antivirus and antispyware for you? I run these daily on my computer. How the heck do you think I found the trojan horse to begin with? Are you talking about DTS America or DTS?

By the way, where do you buy your computers? You never buy a brand new computer with "stuff" (viruses, etc) already in it. There should not be any viruses or trojan horses or malware in a computer that is new.
Respone to NKC - Sammie
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First of all download.com is a very trusted website to download free antivirus and antispyware.

The trojan horse from DTS only downloaded to my new computer after I logged onto ExText and downloaded a job. The path for the trojan horse is under applications and then, ExText diagnostics or something like that. It is not detected by any of the antivirus or spyware I have. Why you ask, because when had the company download their software we gave them full and complete access to our computers without blocking anything they download through our antivirus or spyware.

Go back to download.com and at the top type in spyware expert or go to the antispyware section. This site is used by many computers techs to download programs for their customers.

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