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Copy and paste into Meditech from Word? - LB1234

Posted: Jul 29, 2010

I want to type in Word and paste into MediTech, which is hard to type in.

Does anyone know how to do this?  Right now the text I "paste" onto the clipboard in Word does not paste into MediTech.



Word into Meditech - medtyper

[ In Reply To ..]
There is no way that works. Meditech does not recognize any of the formating from word, i.e., tabs, bold, underline, etc. The report paste all over the place and it is a 5 to 10 minute job reformatting in Meditech. I have worked in Meditech for the past 15 years and it does not work and there is no way to make it work. My suggestion is you just get used to typing in Meditech. I agree that it is not the most user friendly program but I have never had a problem meeting my production in all the years I have typed in it.

I do that - it does work

[ In Reply To ..]
type your document, highlight and do CTRL C to copy, then open Meditech, fill out header, when you open typing page, at the top of the page, look for the word "edit," right click, then click on paste.

While the report is pasting, I go back into word and start typing next report because it takes so long. Then, flip back when done pasting and make sure that everything is aligned. I sometimes have to delete a space on the left side, or enter the paragraph back in place, or ShiftF6 to make line full, but not that often.

I find it a huge timesaver doing it this way. Hope I explained it well enough.

Thanks greatly. I will try this out. - LB1234

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. I will try it out when I get time this weekend.

I appreciate so much you replying. I did think there was a way to have MediTech LOAD Word instead of its own screen, it asks for in the VIEW section, but I cannot figure out how to get it in the typing section. I wanted to research that, but always typing! Ha ha.

Thanks again so much. Have a great weekend- tx.

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