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My last three checks with the new Ultipro - have been

Posted: Feb 11, 2011

within $5 of each other.  Either I am the most predictable transcriptionist around or that seems weird to me. 

Time to track you lines, Copy&paste in word doc. and - will get idea of what pay should be. nm

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u mean they could be putting a screw to us - ??

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Puleeze. Need to expect they are until it is proven they - are not. The trick is to find out SM

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which MTSO has the shortest screw.

Just copy body of text, no identifies, on 1-2 jobs. Then - ask for copy of that job that SM

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the cpl was figured on. They have it somewhere. You will need to see the information that lists line count in that job. Run character count on pasted Word doc and change it to what your MTSO says constitues a line. If the counts are close, you may be happy with that. If very far off, would be a red flag.
Copy the body of the text on a Word document. - nm
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just take what they give you and - dont ask questions
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ignorance is bliss
How sad you dont think you are worth the effort to be - sure you are getting paid fair. nm
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