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total system hours question... - sm

Posted: Jan 28, 2015

How does this total system hours work I see on the timesheet now?  It is way under my scheduled hours. Can someone please explain this to me? Shouldn't it be even with the hours I worked/am scheduled? I clock in and out only when working so I do not understand why it is much lower. How exactly does this work or get tracked??? Thanks!

Not sure exactly, but - newbutold

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I was told this is when you are not physically typing, etc. looking things up, going to the bathroom, any time spent away from your keys physically. Mine always (or most of the time) shows 35 or a little up of that as I take every opportunity I can to take breaks. I was told by my TSM that as long as my system hours are 35 or over I am fine. If 34 something or less then I am spending too much time away from my computer.

How do they know - we are looking something up

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or going to the bathroom, etc! It's BS and so wrong.

nothing to do with "typing"... - anon

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You just have to be IN a job in order to be in "system hours." You could have the job open and be out shopping and it would still account for system hours. Of course, this would not help your LPH. (If you are logged into your platform but do NOT have a job open, you are NOT logging system hours.)

I always have a job open - even while stepping away or

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taking a bathroom break (other than away for 10 minutes or more, then I log out) but it still is way off.
yes it is WAY off - sm
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That is what I am wondering- b/c the hours they say are WAY off. I always am in jobs. I do not see how it can be that OFF.
That's not how it works... - sm
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"System hours" is the amount of time you are actively working (i.e. typing or depressing the foot pedal while audio is rolling). It is not just "being in a job" that counts.
how do they know this? - sm
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how do they know when you are actively typing or pushing on the foot pedal? Also, how come there is basically no time allowed to research, which obviously I wouldn't be typing in the job. What happens if I allow the voice job to play while researching and then just rewind when I'm back in the report? Would my hours then add up? B/c this is WAY off. I'm not not typing that much.
They know because... - sm
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You are in THEIR platform. It's big brother here. They can see everything you do within that report, and they can tell when you are typing and being active, on the foot pedal, etc. They give you, I believe, a 5-hour window for "inactive time." That is the time that you are allowed for researching, taking a bathroom break, stretching your back, etc. More than 5 hours, and your TSM will probably send you an email about the time discrepancy. If you choose to keep your foot on the pedal while you look something up, then yes, that will be added to your active time.
Here's a big SHEESH for ya! - nm
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Wow - Waiting for
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them to have chips put in our bodies so they can track everything we do, geez....
system hours versus clock hours - rock bottom
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1. Check your clock-in/clock out hours and make sure they match with your time in the platform.

2. System hours is equal to clock hours minus any time you were not depressing the foot pedal or typing on the keyboard.

So, system hours does not include researching, downloading, uploading, etc.

System hours is actively working.

If you do a LOT of short reports, all that downloading and uploading affects the difference.

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