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coming to Nuance - rip
Posted: May 31, 2014
I currently work for MModal. Considering Nuance. Opinions and/or advice would be appreciated.
Both companies are equally evil. - Choose your poisons
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Advice is to stay with the evil you know.
coming to nuance - rip
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I guess I was hoping it would be better than Mmodal but it doesn't sound any better. BTW what's your line rate?
i did that - newbutold
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I worked for Medquist for 13 years and then one day got a phone call and was let go. No warning or anything. My LPH was always up there as was my accuracy. The only thing I could figure out was I had to take some time off due to I fell and broke my arm and my arm had a cast on it for 16 weeks. I went through all proper procedures to take a LOA and was told everything was okay and then BOOM. I didn't work for almost a year and then found I had to get back to working and I have been with Nuance now for several years and I have absolutely no problem with them. Yes, their QA is enough to drive you crazy at times but I am lucky in that I have a great TL and have 4 accounts but my primary is enough to keep me busy, rarely run out of work. If it wasn't for the QA stuff, it would be perfect. Pay is no worse or no better than anywhere else. I get almost 9 for straight and 5 for VR. I think any of these companies now have their plus and minus items, so make up your own mind
coming to Nuance - rip
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What about the weekly incentive and quarterly bonus?
Do not believe those or ever count on them - newbutold
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Do not let them lure you in with those. Yes I have on occasion gotten the weekly incentive, but I never count on it because as I said their QA will find a way to take it away with their nitpicking you for commas, and leaving out The, etc. I have also gotten the quarterly bonus but I haven't seen that in a long time. My LPH is 186 which I have no problem making and I very rarely send anything in for excessive blanks but FIESA (QA) will grab you every time just when you think you might qualify for something.
Your pay rate is curious to me. - sm
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I thought we were all getting paid the same???
pay - making less
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I make less than that....now I am mad!! I had my pay cut more than 50% being bought up by 2 companies...the last being nuance...I am furious with my pay even more now...i have been MT for 15 years...
Pay - Dotty
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Mad too. I have been a transcriptionist for 25 years, CMT, and don't make nearly that. I need to get over 200 LPH consistently to make minimum wage for my state and it stresses me out big time as it is nearly all VR. If I made 5 for VR, it would make it a lot easier.
My pay with N - Anon
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When I first started with N, my pay was also 5 cpl for VR and 9 cpl for typing. Three months later, it was lowered to 3.75 and 5 cpl. I left a month and a half later.
could it vary with account or region? - newbutold
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That is what i was offered several years ago when I was hired. Of course it has never gone up but it hasn't gone down either. My LPH has also stayed the same 186 which is a combination of VR and straight. That's one reason that i really have no problem with Nuance except for FIESA of course, but for the most part I am left alone to do my own thing and have plenty of work and the accounts I am on are fairly straightforward. I am in the southeast.
Pay - just asking
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Does anyone type accounts in their own "region?" I have 3 accounts in 3 different states from the ones I live in, even different time zones for 1 account.
Asked to work on my day off this week to cover for someone and here I sit...not one job. What a waste of my time.
Maybe TL's?? - newbutold
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I am very lucky and have a great TL. I have only had 2 since I have been with the company and both were great. I hear these horror stories and know that I am lucky because if I had some of the things happen to me that I have seen posted on here where they have been threatened about LPH and various other things (my LPH has had times where it is not where it should be too) I would not be here probably. I have never been asked to work on my day off or cover for anyone. At the most, I get an email along with everybody else saying that there is extra work available if I want it.
LPH - Dotty
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One time I got MUP, one dollar, I got a nasty email that someone with my experience should not be getting MUP. I live in a state with a high min wage.
Wow - newbutold
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I think I have gotten it twice. First time when I first came on and then one other time and just got a nice email stating that was there anything I needed that they knew it wasn't like me to ever get this, etc. Mine was a super small amount too like $2 or something. I think the TL's get yelled at also but mine was very nice about it and basically just had to notify her superior that she had talked to me she said.
night shift differential - MassMT
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I make that and work at night. anything after 8 p.m. gets a night shift differential. ST is a little over 9 cpl and VR is something like 0.0512.
Even though I am exhausted, I would lose a lot of money going to days.
Pay less, RN AND 20 years experience MT, nm - anon
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Pay with Nuance varies by account - ex Nuancer
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My ex manager once told me when I was training for a secondary account that that account paid more because of the type of account it was. So that may be the difference.
Working for Nuance - ktwmn13
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Nuance's sole goal is converting to offshore. They use the US workers to audit and fix the stuff, requiring an insane amount of work for meager pay and even less appreciation. I just left a QA position of many years, going above and beyond, finally unable to even stomach working for Nuance.
Working for Nuance - re QA - ktwmn13
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Re the above comments on QA at Nuance. As a QA person I have always gone out of my way in the MLS' favor and only mark for egregious errors, not commas, left out "the," etc. However, Nuance recently implemented a system in which they actually evaluate QA performance based on HOW MANY ERRORS WE COUNT OFF FOR. Talk about a culture that is anti-MLS and anti-morale. I cannot say enough about the evils of Nuance. For those of you who are doing your best in that system and currently okay, my sincere wishes for your success as it will only continue to get worse.
I think we suspected this was happening - as MTs
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Thanks for clarifying. I have often thought I could not do that to a co-worker, unseen or not, seeing as how us MTs are affected directly in the pocketbook by QA marking us off so much.
I commend your integrity and hope you get a way better job than nasty Nuance.
I really appreciate the nice QA people - newbutold
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I have no problem in being pointed out when I do things wrong but the ones of you who will remark good job and things like that when I make 100% or the report was a zillion lines long and there were only minor things like commas or something, it does mean a lot to me. I feel at least someone recognizes that I am trying. Unfortunately there are far more that will just pick things apart. I had one the other day that I typed verbatim and it made perfect sense, but the QA person felt that it made MORE sense to add in a few words to the sentence that were not said. Could not believe it. I had to complain about that one and did get it reversed. How can you go into that physician's mind and think that is what he meant. We aren't talking about one word, we are talking about a complete phrase that she put in!!
M modal to Nuance - are you kidding? - YB
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M modal pays more per line than Nuance - STAY!!!!
not in my case - newbutold
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I made more when I was newly hired by Nuance then what Medquist was paying me and I had been there well over 10 years. It must depend on something (who knows what they base it on)
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