A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Why I Am Content At Nuance - MC

Posted: Jun 06, 2014

I got asked the question so I am going to answer it. I am not a manager. I am not a "plant". I have been in the field of MT for 25 years. I have worked for Nuance for 7 months, so I know things can change, but this has been my REAL and TRUE experience thus far:

1. I work the days and hours I want. 2. Upon being hired I was sent free medical spellchecker software, a free pedal and a free headset. 3. Paid training at $10/hr. 4. I am never OOW in my accounts except on holidays and that is OK with me. 5. TSM and TLs and IT support who are always available and very helpful. 6.  QA bonus (I only got this once, but I did get it, so it can be done). 7. I can listen to old reports and do FIESA audit challenges, which are addressed and reversed if warranted. 8. I get personal messages from HR and TLs about what a good job I am doing and I like to hear that. 9. I work from home. 10. I work from home (yes, I like that so much I listed it twice).

So that is the top 10 reasons why I am content. If the pay was higher, I'd be more than content. I'm getting a little tired of the constant Nuance bashing on this board. Everyone has a different experience. This is mine. Please stop questioning it.

YOUR experience - anon

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I don't see where anybody questioned your experience. They just gave theirs. Paranoid much?

I second that on happy at Nuance!! - anon

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I am happy here too and for most of the reasons you listed, mainly being AT HOME!!! I wish the benefits were better but hey, it is what it is! I have received the bonus the past few times and yes, it is achievable. In my opinion, it's all about attitude. You have to start each day thinking, everyone is not out to get you! Thanks for posting this! I get tired of all the bashing too!

Absolutely agree. It is all in the attitude you - start your day with. Is it the

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perfect dream job? Not by any means. I don't get all the paranoia about refusing to check email, refusing to check FIESA, yada, yada. If you're making that many errors that you claim it's taking hours to check FIESA, then maybe you should be checking it. Here's a thought, take a quick look at it and see if there is anything useful to be gained. Something you may be doing wrong out of habit and then change that. Don't complain about your post deliver failed audits if you're not looking at your predelivery FIESA feedback. Really, hours? If you set a time to do it weekly, it's quick and painless.

Carrying such negativity day in and day out due to a job is not worth the stress and health issues it can cause. Try it for maybe 2 weeks. Get up, look at it as a job, nothing else. Do what you need to do, complete your shift and then go live your life. Do what you have to to get rid of the negativity.

Everyone needs to vent now and then, but to get up every single day and be so unhappy in a job that it obviously spills over into your personal life just is not worth it. I suspect that those who are so very unhappy here may have other areas in their life that they are unhappy with and one feeds off the other.

Again, is Nuance the perfect company to work for? Is it the dream job you've always imagined? Absolutely NOT, but if you approach it as just a job and put the negativity aside for a little bit, you may find it's at least tolerable.

No, I'm not management or anything like that, just an MLS in the trenches who decided long ago, I will not let Nuance or any other MT company decide the attitude I go through life with.

Remember, it's just a job!
Attitude - GRRRR
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When you sign in and are greeted with OOW day and in day out, is it any wonder one's attitude turns negative? Thank goodness I've only got a couple more weeks of this. Keep up your positive attitude if you wish, but your day is coming.
Grrr attitude.. - anon
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Your day is coming? Now that's a nice attitude there! Don't bash her for simply stating how she feels and me for that matter. I used to be OOW until I changed accounts. Life is not ideal and this job is certainly not ideal. Just gotta roll with it. My question for you is are you OOW all day? Now that would be a problem but if it is just right at the beginning, do something else or if you are that unhappy get another job. I have to stay home so if I am out of work which is rare, I just flex my time. I say HOORAY for the positive attitudes!!!!
Managers sure have a lot of time on their hands - posting essays on MTStars
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Your attitude does not impress me. Strangely enough my current and previous TSM's attitude is the same as yours.
Remember it's just a job? - Do you NEED the income?
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I do! As my income goes down because of monopoly Nuance and the other international company formerly know as MQ have created, it becomes harder to make enough to survive based on the over-staffing with India workers on American accounts causing lack of work and their lowered pay scale because they are a monopoly and call the shots, with no regard for experience or years put in with the company.

Quit trying to analyze why people are unhappy with Nuance and look at where you are after all your experience.

People like you are what allows Nuance to keep lowering the pay scale and doing just about anything they want.

As an aside, if you aren't management (which I think you are) you are a MAJOR Nuance buttocks kisser.
Attitude - anon
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"Here's a quick thought about checking FIESA," I have worked for N for 3+ years and alway make bonus, yet still I get feedback for errors that are almost always reversed. My attitude is, if you QA me, be right every time. That's why you are QA. Don't make me spend my time copying the error, copying the specs because TL doesn't know the specs, and then sending that to her to get the error reversed. You sound so smug and happy with yourself, just though I'd let you know that I am one of those that MAKES BONUS, but I find the scoring system laughable, along with your RAH, RAH, RAH attitude.

Dear "Happy MLS/HR" at Nuance - Foolfighter

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Nice try on trying to convince any NEW MLS coming to Nuance that this is a great place. I am not a negative person. I get up happy and stay happy every day because this company does NOT define me. The negative or positive on this site has no impact on me whatsoever. I am LEAVING Nuance because I deserve more. I deserve respect and a higher wage. I am 25 years in and I am a professional in my field and there is still a need outside of Nuance. This company pays so little it is a struggle to make above minimum wage. They have QA that works against MLS. The attitude they have for their MLS at this company is disgraceful so I made the call to leave. I found a position that is in transcription, pays over $18.00 an hour with excellent benefits and with no threat of outsourcing. They outsourced and brought MLS back in and are very happy with their decision. For those MLS that feel trapped here, look outside of Nuance. There is still a demand for you. Don't let this place or the pseudo-happy and I believe "planted" positive comments on this site distract you. The truth is the truth, negative or positive. Nuance pays very little, lies to you about incentive and bonus. OOW is okay to them, just flex and come back, as if you do not have a life. Get up, get out. I am so happy I made the decision to leave. If you want to sit home and make $9.00-$12.00 an hour, good for you. I'm better than this place and their foolish upper management team that created this payscale and Fiesa. To any new MLS considering this place, make this your absolute last resort. You will thank me for telling you the truth.
If I could "like" your post a million times, I would. - Just another MLS...
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Your new job sounds wonderful, and I wish you the very best. I wish there was something like that in my area. I keep looking and will continue to do so. My attitude has not stayed positive, however. It has been a struggle to even smile some days, but I feel stronger with the support from people on this board. I wish the best for ALL of us who are struggling.

Is it difficult to talk to yourself? - You have the same style as OP

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I think it is hilarious that management comes out with a post and other buttocks kissers follow up where as previously no MT would support Nuance on principle for the low pay and shipping work to India. If that is okay with you then you have sold out American MTs and lowered your meager expectations even further.
talking to yourself? - anon
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I think it is hilarious that you think management would take the time to come on here and try to talk up Nuance. I am not management, nor do I wish to be. Simply a happy Nuance MLS. I am just being honest. Like you people who come on and bash everything, there are those of us who are happy and once we say we are happy - boy do you go crazy! I wish you luck I really do. I am done posting on this horrible subject. I was merely giving kudos to the original poster this morning. Nice to see some positive posts but not worth all the negative ones that followed.
Of course management monitors these boards - and enough bad is said about them to fire them up
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I am sure you are management and are trying to paint a different picture of Nuance than the reality of what Nuance is doing to undermine MTs value.

You continue to accept lower pay and sending work to India while running American MTs out of work? No real MT would find that acceptable. No one in their right mind that is.
"I think it is hilarious that you think - management
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would take the time to come on here..."

I have personally received emails from the HR manager at Nuance regarding posts I've made on this board. Of course I did not email her back. They monitor this board every day and I've no doubt they post on here several times a day posing as "happy" MT/MLSs, like yourself.

Management has more time on their hands than you seem to think, or are trying to convince us of.

You're lucky to have support (including a TL). - We do not have ANY support EVER.

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Our TSM is NEVER available and we have no TL. We are at the mercy of QA/QC/auditors, whatever way the wind blows. One will say one thing and we do it. Another will say another thing and we do that. Then we get marked down by both. There is no winning. ASR is a royal joke and keeps getting worse. The majority of those on my team never get the weekly incentive nor the quarterly bonus. This is done on purpose. The primary goal of the QA/QC/auditors is to keep MLSs from making incentive or bonus.

Happy at Nuance - ^^aero^^

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I have been with Nuance for over 2 years after our hospital sold us out; while I am not making the money I used to, I am happy working for Nuance.

Tell me: What REAL person, anywhere, is - *happy* about making less money?

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No one here is dumb enough to think that post was in any way real.

Happy? - YB

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Happy at Nuance - anon

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The people that say they are happy making less money are like the women that stay with a husband that abuses them or is an alcoholic. They are settling for less than what they are worth because they don't feel good about themselves. I am mad as hell about making less money, and I don't care to voice it.

Oh, and as for saying I am picking on someone or bullying them by my remarks, I stayed with an alcoholic for over 20 years, so I know firsthand the excuses I made for him. Never be satisfied with abuse, no matter where it comes from.

Perhaps you are right - in more ways than one

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I always wish people who are so happy with their plight would be compelled to reveal their background and financial situation. After all, in a sense we who are less than happy are being judged because everyone knows it's so great to be "positive" and bad to be "negative"!

Well, I often wonder if all these ones have a "DH" who provides very well for them AND/OR they don't need the garbage insurance Nuance offers because "DH" also provides that AND/OR they are just in it for pin money or something.

Honestly, no matter what else you can accept, putting the terrible beating our wages have taken as an end note or afterthought to any post about how happy they are at Nuance can only mean one thing to me: You do not need the money either at all or half as much as I do.

BTW, to qualify mySELF, I do have a "DH" who actually makes less than me, and we have both been downsized salary-wise and are really struggling financially though we have never ever lived extravagantly.

Let's get real here, the wage cuts have been diabolical and many have gone bankrupt, lost their home, and some even ended up on the street, so is anyone okay with that?

Nope, if you are happy because you don't really need the money I really don't want to hear from you because I have NOTHING in common with you, but please, that's just my opinion. It would help to know that though.

People who don't really mind the fact our pay has been halved really cannot be feeling it the way most of us are.
This is management. People who are making more than MTs - and boss them around.
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Any MT who is happy making less money and the company they work for is shipping American jobs to India is either dumb as a rock or delusional. The cuts in pay and the shipping American jobs to another country does affect the American economy overall and they either aren't smart enough to know this or are oblivious and live under a rock.
I think you're right. Management gets paid to - LIE. nm
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Right on! Beaten wife syndrome and pariahs willing to work for garbage scraps - India outsourcers equal death

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Get a backbone and refuse to take it

I am happy you managed to lower your expectations - and Nuance appreciates that so much

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Thanks so much for allowing us to make more money because you are willing to accept less while working harder than we do.


Nuance Management & CEO

There is good and bad in most everything in life. - see message

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I feel as you do too. I am happy at Nuance. To me the positives outweigh the negatives.

Now let's see if this post can stand without someone bashing me, calling me a liar, a plant, or a suit. I am none of those things. I am an MT with over 20 years experience.

You have sold out fellow MTs. - Watch your negatives grow

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It's okay for over 20 years of experience to be rewarded the same as a newbie at 4 cpl for editing on VR that never gets better? It's okay for you to watch American jobs be shipped to India to edit American medical records?

I think if you are not management, you are foolish because you cannot see the big picture of what is happening to the American economy because of Nuance business practices.
Serious monetary penalties should be assessed to every report shipped overseas - The American economy is being ruined by this pract
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All American ships rise (or fall) with the tide. That money not circulating in American hurts all Americans. Screw the Indian pariahs and let them eat maggots.

No need to bash. We all can see (and smell) - this for what it is.

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LOL! What a nasty group of folks! - ^^aero^^
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Look at this hornet nest I have stirred up! So much fun to be had by all.
Who is nasty? - I think this stunt is
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You really think it's fun to taunt people and gloat about how happy you are and...it's not even real? Do you even work for Nuance?

If you think this topic is a joke and you're proud of yourself for all the "fun" you created I will make sure I will avoid your posts. Real nice.

Content at Nuance? - nn

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How wonderful for you. I guess that ought to make those of us who are in the midst of foreclosure, can't pay our property taxes, shop exclusively at Goodwill, etc. feel so much better.

How foolish we are not to adapt a good attitude - so we can be happy at Nuance

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We should all change our attitude making less than minimum wage in many cases because of being OOW after Nuance overstaffs the accounts and keeps finding ways to lower wages.

That's the ticket. Just change our attitude and we will get a raise for years of service and everything will be sunny and bright. It's not Nuance fault we are growing poor. It's the MTs attitude.

What a cockeyed (and that's being polite) way Ms. Content looks at things.

did you get your hours changed? - irritated

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I wonder if any of these content employees had their shifts and days off changed because of capacity whatever it is called...i did...not asked..jus
t told...should I have a good attitude about that?? I got a great news call...knew it wasn't going to be good

8 months - later

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You will be affected soon, because you haven't been there long enough. Please write back and tell us how you are doing in 12 months.

You pick your days and hours and they sent you - free equipment?

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That does not sound like Nuance.

Not a chance is this Nuance. - someone is confused

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Nuance is not that type of company. Nothing free and choosing hours is not an option other than choosing part time or full time.

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