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Content in report - dmoore

Posted: Aug 03, 2012

I was wondering if any of you have typed for a physician that includes information about the patient down to them being self pay, not using the patient's insurance because "commonwealth" payout better and then this comment in the report about the patient not scheduling nasal surgery.


"He seems to make time to get other surgeries scheduled such as skin cancer surgeries, hip revisions and cataract surgeries done."

this just seems inappropriate to me for the patient who will never know.  is it me or is this just immoral and inappropriate and is there somewhere this behavior can be reported?

you can't report that behavior - ...

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unfortunately, doctors are not immune to being jerks, and there is no law against it. :)

Yeah, jerkiness in doctors cannot be controlled - GreenFairie

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One of my docs when I worked inhouse in a hospital once dictated that he gave a patient Percocet and then said "For all I know the patient is going to go sell it on the street." I questioned it and was told to let it stand. I told the supervisor it would be a problem and sure enough the patient brought legal action against him. Shame they don't listen to us. We probably know more about what is appropriate than they do.

Furthermore - Greenfaire

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The problem is they seem to think that their dictation is their own private property and they can put in whatever they want. As we know, that is not true.

are ya kidding? - sm

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you violate HITECH/HIPAA laws by quoting a medical record and you want to report a doctor for being a jerk?

You don't get to decide what's part of the medical record, he does. You don't get to regulate his value system or otherwise spank his bottom because he acted out.

You listen.

You transcribe it.

Job over.

Are YOU kidding? - GreenFairie

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What in the world are you talking about? Nobody gave any names or reported any doctors or violated laws any more than discussing a question about medical terminology by quoting part of a report. And where would we report them? Of course it is not my job to decide what goes in a medical report but it is my responsibility to bring it to my supervisor's attention if there is something in it that I think that the doctor might want to reconsider. When I was told to I transcribed it.

Some doctors ARE jerks and make remarks that are inappropriate and open them up to libel accusations. This board is a place where we can vent about it if we want.

The thing about this is - see msg

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These doctors are all adults. When they pick up that phone to dictate, they know they are dictating a legal document and the patient can access it anytime they please.

I would think he knows all of this already and therefore does not really care if what he is saying is offensive or not. I had one doctor start a dictation literally cussing saying " this is the second time I have done this dictation and for some damn reason I keep getting cut off!!" I mean he was really cussing and pissed off about it.

Did I report it? No. Just saying when you are an MT your gonna hear a lot of stuff that you dont think is appropriate at some point in time, but that does not mean you go calling out the doctor.

Not only that, but I get the feeling he is well aware of what he dictated and chances are even if you reported it, your supervisors would probably not even address it and if he did, I seriously doubt he would care.
You are correct but.. - Greenfaire
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You are right that doctors are adult but I have to disagree that they ALL understand that they are dictating a legal document. The doc I was talking about was an excellent doctor and I would go to him for surgery in a heartbeat. I even liked him personally. But he was like Sheldon in the Big Bang theory and he was always offending patients unintentionally by blaring things out without thinking. Once before I asked him about something he said and he told me to take it out and thanked me. If he had been available the day I transcribed that report with the Percocet remark I would have gone to him with it and I am sure he would have told me to take it out. But my supervisor was too lazy or whatever to ask him and a few months later this doctor left the practice under a cloud because the practice hated lawsuits. I guess when you work in house and know the doctors you can have a different relationship then when you are transcribing remotely. Nowadays working at home I would not question things like that but, as you said, just type it and collect my paycheck.
you are correct - anon
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When you're working in-house and know the docs, it's a much easier job.
I would have reported the cussing - for sure
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Why didn't he spout off disrepectfully to the medical records supervisor? Or the nursing supervisor? Because he would have been in big trouble. But he can spew obscenities to us? How is that right? Just because he doesn't have to look us in the eye? Oh yeah, I would be very offended by verbal abuse, doctor or not. Very, very inappropriate.

GreenFairie - law student

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Do you know the elements of what constitutes libel? Are you a lawyer already?

To "Are ya kidding" - MT

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No laws broken re: HITECH/HIPAA laws. Please familiarize/study those before you accuse someone of "violating" them.

Are ya Kidding?? - thank you SM - dmoore

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No I was not kidding when I came here for help on this. I thought that as MT to MT that this would be a place to go to ask this sort of question. I appreciate your input and am so thankful to know how helpful you was to me. I know how to do my job and type what is said depending on if it is a verbatim or not, as for "spanking his bottom because he acted out", well I will leave this to you as you seem to know the doctor, location, patient and all pertinent information on this since I violated HIPAA by even asking this question.

dmoore - Old Pro

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And you get to judge who is "immoral" because.......?

Content in report - dmoore

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To those of you who actually answered my question and had positive input on it, I value your opinions and it is good to know I am not alone when it comes to questioning something. I did not break any HIPAA laws as not anything was mentioned regarding name, location or anything else that could identify this patient. I was simply asking a question to see what some other seasoned MTs would do in a situation such as this. I thought this was a place that I could go to for help and that we are all here as MTs trying to help, listen and even understand what we go through in a normal day in the little thing that we call a job. I now realize why up to this point, I have only read the posts that possibly pertain to something I may be questioning and not asked anything.

Beware of Trolls - GreenFairie

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I'm sorry about the troll attacks. I hesitate too about posting here because of them so I know how you feel. But we should just try to ignore those old pros among us. They obviously don't even comprehend the original issue and just jump in to create trouble.
You do not have to appologize by all means - dmoore
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I completely understand. I actually find it kind of amusing now that I have said my peace!!! thank you again for being one of the couple who replied back and understood what I was asking. Now I want to "patrol" and warn others who quote anything from a report....LMFBO!!!!

The old pros and other MTs were just trying to stress the importance of - patient confidentiality.

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You mentioned some pretty specific things in your post. It wouldn't be too difficult for someone who was just a little bit familiar with that patient to recognize who or what you're talking about.

Patient confidentiality is serious. All it takes is one person to recognize who you're talking about and YOU will be held responsible, not the hospital, not the MTSO... YOU.

You can be sued by the patient or patient's family, you can be fined, you can be sent to prison for violations of patient confidentiality, and your employer will not be there to help you.

THIS is all they were trying to get across to you.

If you doubt what I'm telling you, then ask your employer what they would do if you were caught posting any part of a patient's private medical information on the internet. Better yet, ask an attorney.

Better yet, ask the patient how they feel about having their personal info posted publically or priv - sm

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As a patient, I would be livid if my personal information were posted anywhere but on my own personal medical record. If I find out that it is quoted anywhere else, there will be a big problem. I would own the person who did it's home, cars, and possibly their retirement fund as well as the educational fund they have set up for their children. It's just that important.

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