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Waving the white flag - qcforceout

Posted: May 28, 2015

Im out. Minimum wage, disgraceful.

Really is a sad situation all around. I feel so - defeated after realizing what

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what I will make this week. I am now faced with paying June's rent or feeding my girls. They really have left us with no alternative but to make a quick exit. I wish you luck. I, too, am waving the white flag and getting out.

I understand, leaving as soon as possible myself, nm - Another QC

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Just another few weeks and ... - QC2015

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and I will be putting in my notice, unless they will fire me first for not doing the emails.

Good luck to all QCs, QAs and MLS who are looking for better opportunities in other industries or even the same, as there are employers who will appreciate you. Keep your dignity, Ladies!!

Dignity - SadMT

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I want to keep my dignity! I want to quit SO BAD! What if we all do quit? Is it REALLY their objective to only have offshore MTs, QC and QA? I know some clients refuse offshoring, so will they just say they don't have American employees any longer?

Offshoring work - MTME

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That's their plan and has been for a very long time. They want to be able to say No American MTs left in the industry; what they fail to say, is that they ran them all off with their horrible tactics.

I feel at this point, these companies are cheating their MTs, raking in as much money as they can and getting out soon themselves. They too know the industry is dying and on life support, that is why they are cutting all the pay and benefits for us. Truly sad!

Different Company - FedUp

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For those leaving, have you found a different company to work for? I would like to find a different company, I have about had it here, but don't want to go from the frying pan into the fire. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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