I have not heard this in a long time and I forget how to transcribe it. The doctor dictates the white blood cell count as 12.3 thousand. Do I leave it like that, or is it 12,300??? TIA ...
On admission *bases* hemoglobin 9.5, white count 8.1, platelet count 208,000, and normal BUN and creatinine.
Does this make sense? Should it be basis? This is under Laboratory Data for a Discharge Summary. ...
This is probably a pretty basic one, but how would you correctly word this when a doc dictates a white count this way: "7.3 thousand?"
7.3 thousand?
Thanks -- ...
I have not run across the patient's measurements before and have no clue of the proper way to type them. tia.
6' 8" white male or 6 foot 8 inch white male? ...
I usually use the line count built into the Word program itself. Is MTStars flash count and/or abacus equivocal ?? Any one program better than the other ?? TIA ...
Before, when I would upload a job, the audio bar would be completely blue.
Now there are tons of white spaces in it. Does this indicate time that the dictator was not talking, or is this a way for them to see how many times we lift our foot off the pedal? ...
I have alot of white noise in my headphones. I just started transcribing for a new doc- he speaks very very low- almost mumbles.... and I cant even hear what he says sometimes- when I turn up my earphones.. the whitenoise gets worse.
is there a brand that is best for reducing the noise?? or what i should be looking for.
I have finally given up on this career after a very dedicated attempt to make it work. I have been working in this field for over 10 years now and am a very conscientious employee who rarely misses work but it is time for me to surrender, I guess. I don't understand how anyone can make a living on 4 cpl for VR. I don't even have any drive left to work anymore because I can't make any money anyway. My husband thinks I am crazy for sticking around as lo ...
Please sign this petition, just found it on the White House site and it has a long way to go to get recognized and responded to.
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/bring-back-all-united-states-medical-record-transcription-be-performed-only-us-us-medical/TJzSQpZq ...
Anyone have MP Count? I used it a few years ago, but my computer crashed so I no longer have it. I'm not sure if this IC job is gonna work out so I'm not wanting to buy a program at this point. Any advice?
Thanks. ...
Is this correct? I type 70,000 characters a day. I am paid by the 65 character line so I would divide 70,000 by 65 to get 1076, then multiple that by pay per line, say $.10 and get $107. If this is not correct then what is the formula? And what is the average number of lines per day? Thanks so much for the info. ...