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This is an elderly, white male in no acute distress, pleasant (this historian) - Elie

Posted: Feb 26, 2012

This is an elderly, white male in no acute distress, pleasant (this historian?).

pleasant ex-historian? Can't figure it out:( Please help?

Sensorium? - No msg.

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Not sure it if it is sensorium. - Elie

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It really sounds like "pleasant this historian." Thanks though.

Probably "intact sensorium." See msg. - Ex-MT Coder

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Elie, it woul help you hear if you did not try to "force" what you are hearing into certain words. Instead of saying it sounds like "this historian" just write out the sounds themselves. No meaning, just the phonetic sounds.

We cannot tell what you are hearing if you only give us some words your mind cooked up to fit. If you think you hear something like this historian, that will get us stuck there, too.

Pleasant ex-historian makes no sense. Neither does pleasant this historian. You know those are not what you are hearing,but you are so focused on hearing those words that you will never hear what you really have.

You could also find a lot more of this if you googled it. References will also help.

Some of the things you ask about sound like student material. If they are, you should not be asking for help with them here. Whether you are or not, you have to let your ears work at learning to hear or you will never get to the point that you can do this work.

good MT advice re listening! - long time MT

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Suspect this person is not an MT - or is

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a student. These questions are so basic as to be ludicrous. We are not here to do your work for you.

pleasant, good historian - sm

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doctors sometimes comment on whether patient is a good or poor historian - meaning the patient can (or cannot) give a good history of their illness/complaint.

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