"TRACKING CHANGES AND IDENTIFY ANOMALIES"..Okay, so I just watched the video - Anyone notice this?
Posted: Dec 04, 2014
Something like "Audits and controls are being put in place to track changes and identify anomalies in normal production hour history." They mentioned Webclock and the importance to have correct hours. Any of you acute care know what they are talking about. Do I remember someone saying something about downloading a program to track your time at the keyboard, etc, or was that on another forum?
May already be in place - mollie
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In our division, we already get weekly notices regarding whether our hours are compliant and if we are meeting the minimum line count per hour.
Sounds to me like they're going to make it so - we cant work 14 hours to get - sm
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our "8 hours' worth" of lines in. Another way to force us to not make our production quotas.
It's been that way a long time - me
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I worked in middle management before I got sick of the place and the headaches. I was told once you log in, the system tracks any time you aren't typing.
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